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dps check


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my is watchman, build as this


different to standard build, I have no focused leap (gen 1 focus), and move the 2 points to force fade (improve camo)


my gear are:

head, chest, leg = 162 (Arcanian) 1 set bonus (Master Strike +8% dmg)

the rest, almost all are verpine (168)

except 2 relics are conqueror (pvp) (haven't gotten the good pve relic drop)

all are augmented, with 2 for acc (at stat 100.13%)

the rest of the aug (initially were all str) power.


I do a dummy torparse check, dps is around 2.2k, prev str aug is around 2.3k


I try to pick up a new prority rotataion:

1) merciless less / dispatch (can't test in dummy)

2) cauterize

3) overload

4) master strike

5) twin sabers throw used when the above are on cd or tgt at range


zealous strike is use whenever its ready and above has grayed out

slash only when focus is quite full, and above 1-4 are on cd

I do use strike to gen focus in the rotation, as I try to maintain the focus at least almost half full


I don't use blade storm in the rotation

my latency is around 200


is my dps at appropriate range?

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Watchman should be hitting 2800dps on a dummy in full optimized 69's, and somewhat better in optimized 72's. Combat spec will be right on top of that or about 100dps back.


Don't be discouraged though. The itemization for off the shelf PvE gear is atrocious. I'll give you an example... Our best enhancement is the Advanced Adept Enhancement. This is the low end, mid pwr, high srg. This enhancement is found in like 4 weapons that all require tokens. So considering your guild would roast you on the stake before they let you have 5 lvl 72 weapon tokens, for a Sent to min/max in PvE right now, they pretty much are forced to grind credits for mats and have someone make the enhancements for them. That's what I had to do... Four dailies areas across three toons four days straight. It wasn't fun.


You need to talk to someone who knows the Watchman min/max better than me for how much crit to stack. I'd imagine something like 20-25%.


Some other things to consider:


-Are you fully augmented? This will make a huge, huge difference. That's an additional 448 strength or power!


-Do you have all of your datacrons? For Watchman especially, you need the Willpower datacrons as well as the strength and endurance ones. Willpower will increase your burn damage and your self heals. If you have all the datacrons that's an additional 40 of that stat. That's better than a free extra augment!


-Are all your companions to max affection? Some players don't realize that each of your companions gives you a +1% bonus of each stat when you get them to the full 10,000 affection mark. Doesn't seem like a big deal until you realize that at level 55 with 3000 strength in full 72's that's another 30 strength or willpower, etc.


-Do you have all of the class buffs? In an op you probably will. But when you are testing on the dummy do you? This will also have a big affect on your stats.


If you're missing any of those think about the difference just that stuff will make. A player with all of that, versus a player that has not put time into those things has 500+ more strength. That's massive!


Find a Watchman min/max guide. Work on any of the stuff I suggested that you don't have done and keep at it. And remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. This is an mmo. It's gonna take some grinding and some time. Seems like you're heading in the right direction though! Keep at it and good luck!

Edited by Dawginole
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