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Why is there no decent Wiki?


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What happened is: A lot of groups of people saw a way to make profit off of SWTOR and so a bunch of wikis/dbs/etc all popped up at the same time. People contributed to different ones and then it caused none of them to be complete. Once people realized that none of them were going to be complete, everyone stopped contributing because there was no point.

No, there were plenty of people working on wiki's before the game released without having any finacial interest (I am admin on two SWTOR wikis, see my signature, but I have done not much on both of the for a long time now). SWTOR crashed hard in that aspect. Many players were disappointed in how SWTOR turned out, either expecting a new SWG or had other expectations that SWTOR couldn't fullfil. It it terrible and quite unfriendly to explorers (terrible jumping physics, plenty of broken codex entries and I cannot count how often I got stuck while explorieng or even fall through the world altogether). Aside from explorers MMO wikis live from social gamers, like roleplayers and that sort, but on that regard SWTOR is not much better (no chat bubbles, it took horrible long to get server transfers and they were terrible, so that pleny of people who lost there toon names and other players out of sight).


Also ther fan-site kits were quite underwhelming (no idea if they are any good now). Communication from the devs was always quite rare. And of course there was much hate o the game around the release, I had days just working on backrolling wiki articles that got vandalised by disappointed players. At some point I was just fed up, and I was not the first who dropped out of those projects.

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