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blaster rifle for commando /?


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Now I know that commandos can use a blaster rifle instead of the cannon ( I like both I just wanted to be different :p).

And I also know that charged bolts is unusable with the rifle- I rarely use it, at this stage - I either go arsenal or medic


What I mean to ask is there any drawbacks - less damage etc from using a blaster rifle?

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Using a blaster rifle won't allow you to use Hail of Bolts and Charged Bolts and you lose around 10 ~ 15% overall damage.


Virtually, you stay equated to the dps output of a vanguard, but these can still do more than you, because they don't have the limitation of a rifle.


But honestly... I'm a rifle user commando myself. I use one for leveling and end-game content like up to Lv50 HM flashpoints and daily quests. Using a rifle for these kind of questing won't hurt you at all, you can be relaxed about that. Even questing in Makeb (that's a 50+ planet).




For high end end-game content like Lv55 operations or Lv55 HM Flashpoints, you NEED TO USE the cannon, because such content is highly dependable of dps output, so any loss or lack of ability, can cause trouble to the party, when it comes to fight that "dps race" boss (hence the word "can").


For PvP I like to use rifles as well... a lot of people don't play with the class tags activated, so when they see you from range with a rifle, they confuse you with a vanguard and think you won't do much damage, just until they notice grenades falling on their head and you healing people all over the place. It's fun, believe me and the usage of a rifle gives you the sense of mobility, more than using a cannon.


If you're "ok" with that, go on and use a rifle, just remember to keep an upgraded cannon in your inventory at all times.


Now... if you plan to fight as a combat medic, either the cannon or the rifle will give you the "same" results... "same" because, again, you can't use hail of bolts and charged bolts with a rifle, but healing spec is dependable of tech power from the guns, which either cannons or rifles have the same amount.


I hope this explanation helped you a bit.



I don't understand why we can't use hail of bolts and charged bolts with rifles, since the animations are already in the game, the devs just need to script them to commandos.


Here is the video I made showing that they are in the game to be used with rifles:


Edited by Haggardbr
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