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The Undead Have Risen!


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This is meant to be a fun thread



The Undead have risen! You're playing SWTOR when you hear a strange moan. It sounds to be coming from your front door. You look through the peep hole, or through the window, and you see a zombie staring you in the face! Beyond that zombie, in the streets, hundreds of them roam, searching for prey!


What do you do? Do you have an escape plan? An escape kit? A vehicle? Or even a bunker? Where will you go? Assume you are on your own, less the others in your household. You'd need water, food, shelter, and weapons to survive the apocalypse!

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I have not seen this on these forums, so I decided to add it.


No forum is complete without one.




I wake up from a coma that was induced by a wound that I had suffered in the line of duty and I sneak my way to the Sheriff's Office where I was employed as a Deputy before the zombie apocalypse and I load up a big black bag full of weapons from the armory. I then set out to find my wife and young son.


I will head toward Atlanta.

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What do you do?

I grab my lightsaber and open the door, apply a force bubble to myself and kill all the zombies using the conveniently parked colicoid cannon in my frontyard.


When my own house is safe, I take a shuttle to my ship, board the death star and destroy the zombie planet, then fly to a new one (other than alderaan).


Then I realize that I forgot something and take a trip to Kashyyyk with my death star and wipe it out (after warning all Trandoshan hunters to leave the planet). With that done, I only need to destroy Endor and the universe can life in peace, safe of the three most vile creatures... zombies, wookiee and ewok.

Edited by JPryde
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I fail to see the difference to a "normal" wookiee.

shoot them all, the force will sort them through.


Please stay on topic. We are in an unoriginal zombie apocalypse doing unoriginal things!


Can't you forsake your birth name and name yourself after the city you are from or something?

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Please stay on topic. We are in an unoriginal zombie apocalypse doing unoriginal things!


Can't you forsake your birth name and name yourself after the city you are from or something?

Huh ?


My birth name is matching one of the devs... The city I live in exists at least 8 times in the US (and at least twice with the "New" in front) and was used as name for several ships and airplanes (most prominent would be the airplane that was used for the first cross-atlantic flight from europe to the US (opposite direction of Lindberg)). With all those famous presences of my home town, I would feel a bit gross, naming myself after it :)


How about you yourself stay on topic? ... in an off-topic thread... after all I was only answering a direct question which came from the perfectly on-topic first post of myself in this thread :)


Time for some "that is only your opinion" and "quit harassing me" :)

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Huh ?


My birth name is matching one of the devs... The city I live in exists at least 8 times in the US (and at least twice with the "New" in front) and was used as name for several ships and airplanes (most prominent would be the airplane that was used for the first cross-atlantic flight from europe to the US (opposite direction of Lindberg)). With all those famous presences of my home town, I would feel a bit gross, naming myself after it :)


How about you yourself stay on topic? ... in an off-topic thread... after all I was only answering a direct question which came from the perfectly on-topic first post of myself in this thread :)


Time for some "that is only your opinion" and "quit harassing me" :)


Chattanooga it is.




<hands Chattanooga a stick remover>

Edited by TheBBP
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  • 2 weeks later...
as a sniper i would warn all of kaas city of the zombie invasion and assemble a strike team to stop them (this reminds me of kaon under siege) maybe someone is behind all of this the dread masters, malgus (in that case i would fight on his behalf), or even the republic.
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I grab my lightsaber and open the door, apply a force bubble to myself and kill all the zombies using the conveniently parked colicoid cannon in my frontyard.


When my own house is safe, I take a shuttle to my ship, board the death star and destroy the zombie planet, then fly to a new one (other than alderaan).


Then I realize that I forgot something and take a trip to Kashyyyk with my death star and wipe it out (after warning all Trandoshan hunters to leave the planet). With that done, I only need to destroy Endor and the universe can life in peace, safe of the three most vile creatures... zombies, wookiee and ewok.


whats wrong with ewoks and wookies? the planets that really need to get blown up are tatooine (after evacuating the immegrant species: human, twelik,anything not jawa or tusken rader) and taris (the empire will thank me for this one)

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