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Accuracy and Surge Rating


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I checked Paowee's post ""My latest attempt at practicing MM rotations - 18 min long parse".

He is a sniper and 2 of his stats are

Ranged accuracy (427 rating) : 99.91%

Crit multiplier (395): 71.08%

While my gunslinger's stars are

Ranged accuracy (506 rating) : 99.87%

Crit multiplier (316): 67.08%

As far as I know, both classes are recommended to have more than 99.50% ranged accuracy and more than 70% crit multiplier. but how this become possible for a gunslinger?

Or should I just go for 427 accuracy rating and 395 surge rating?


Thank you!




If my gunslinger goes for 427 accuracy rating and 395 surge rating, it will be 98.91% and 70.08%.

Edited by BillChang
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Do you not have the legacy +1% accuracy and surge perks? It looks like you don't, so I would highly highly highly recommend you make the effort to max out your companion affection. You're losing free accuracy and surge and as a result harming your DPS.


Addressing your question though, I have 395 Accuracy and 395 Surge but if you want to throw in one accuracy augment it's helpful, albeit less so for gunslingers than snipers because most of our miss % comes from the awful OH accuracy (~67%).

Edited by SamuelAU
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