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Make open world PvP fun!!!


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Seriously. I joined a PvP server thinking "Galactic Civil War!" and all i received was meh.

I dont understand why PvP in contested areas doesn't grant you Valor or comms. There is no point to open world PvP which is sad considering the huge war and proxy battles being fought. Please reward players for open world PvP on every planet.

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Agreed. It would give a lot of people who hit 55 more of a reason to keep playing than doing the same warzones over and over or FPs or Ops over and over. Something like Open World PvP is so unique cause it changes slightly every time you do it. Especially if there is RP involved (for those on RP/PVP servers for instance). Some manner of incentive or reward would go a long way.



Like for every PC you kill within 10 levels gives you x amount of commendations or valor or something.

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The reason OWPVP is such a dead feature is because people don't like it.


Mostly it's because of the level capped gankers.


And adding rewards to it will just give them more incentive to gank and ruin someone else's day, which makes them quit the server or game altogether.


Actually, you'll find a VERY large amount of players love World PvP and I've been playing MMOs for a decade and a half and I have never met a single person who quit an MMO because they were being ganked. They know full well what they are getting in to when they join a PVP server.

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Actually, you'll find a VERY large amount of players love World PvP and I've been playing MMOs for a decade and a half and I have never met a single person who quit an MMO because they were being ganked. They know full well what they are getting in to when they join a PVP server.


I have met hundreds of people, across four MMOs and gaming forums, who have left PVP servers and games over ganking. And you usually find out that that large amount of people who love PVP will openly admit to ganking and even intentional corpse camping. The myth of "inspiring" large scale battles as their excuse for their behavior. The problem with that story is that usually the ganker hides the second an equal level player shows up. As soon as the defender leaves, the ganker resumes the actions.


No one ever expects level capped gankers on PVP servers. When they see PVP, they assume they will be attacked by equal leveled players in their travels. But when they find themselves being ganked and their cries for help start falling on deaf ears, those players then try to seek explanation on the forums. That's usually when people explain the status quo of PVP servers and that player decides it's time to leave.


The real problem with OWPVP is that the PVP communities are not kind to new players. That's why PVP servers tend to be very light and most PVP players call for cross realm Warzones. They chase off their prospects and find themselves near dead and require a system to bring their scattered brethren together.

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