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Anyone else think the default breasts are just a bit too large?


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the breasts are fine the way they are.



if anything.. why isn't there the option to make them even bigger than the maximum as it exists, right now.



lol @ the kid with knockers thing, where ARE the kids. its pretty weird to me to be walking around someplace and theres never any of them. its nonsense..

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I thought the body type one breasts were pretty small actually. Body type two is OK but I wouldn't mind bigger ones as an option. Body type 3 looks like a transsexual and type 4's are pretty nice but they have tank ***.


In all seriousness I don't get the complaints about this. The bulk of the body types in video games are always idealistic not realistic. And while some people might want fat middle aged balding characters, the bulk of people don't want realism of that sort as a requirement. Characters in this game like those in movies and film are supposed to be larger than life. That usually means looking good as well as being good.


Check realism at the door. We are talking about lightsabers, force powers and intergalactic space travel for ****'s sake. And breasts being too small or too large is hardly a high priority concern with this game. There are actual problems that need developer attention. Not this stupid ****.

Edited by Spamfritter
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People who have seen real things in... you know... real life.


Maybe it's good time for some people to open that garage/basement door and get some air.


I'm sure the person who wrote that in 2011 will be really offended once he or she reads your clever retort. The chances of that happening may be slim, but hey, his last activity was two months ago, so they still exist. I believe in you.

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It's really not that big. Seems smaller than in Neverwinter Nights still. Bigger than commander Shepard's though.


I gues it was a bit more mixed with Jade Empire, and in baldur's gate there was barely enough detail to show a character was a woman.

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lol @ the kid with knockers thing, where ARE the kids. its pretty weird to me to be walking around someplace and theres never any of them. its nonsense..


Probably talking about Coruscant in the Justicar territory, where a disturbingly shapely little girl asks you to go rescue her big brother.

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Body shape 4 female is the best. She has impressive erm...assets nice curves and none of those stick legs I hate so much on toons. Bought the human hair cartel pack and now she looks almost too perfect. Just need to make a custom dancer outfit...anyway.


I wish they had a slider for those things.

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What do you expect from an MMO that just reskins humans and calls it different races?

Only race they put some effort into are twi'leks, and those are riddled with all kinds of buggs still and havent even been given race specific headgear.


Kind of wish Arenanet made this game..

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Yeah, and the size of the hips is annoying as well, particularly on the BT1. It's supposed to be slim!




..They sort of don't even let you choose breast sizes by themselves, or hips, its sort of one big ''BODY!!'' change to the next. your not allowed for instance to have a size 1 body and have the slider bewbs all the way at maximum, you just grow really tall and it comes with it. people..have breasts! the muscles, the fat above that. both genders have them, one just happens by nature to grow them bigger.. @D just make separate sliders pls..

Edited by ekosdarid
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Body type 4 is the only one I really take issue with. I have a screenshot of my agent doing this great combat roll, and something seemed "off" about the shot and her proportions in it. It took me a minute, but then I realized that each of her breasts were literally the same size as her head.


That's like....carrying 2 extra heads around on your torso. Now, I'm sure there are a few women out there IRL with this unfortunate condition, but that's certainly not the norm.


Hands are out of proportion in this game as well. They are also almost as big as the character heads.


I like how you could make chubby little hobbits in LOTRO. :D

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