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Republic Section X Daily | Asteroid Beast


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I'm not able to remember the name of the Daily at this time, but on the Republic side of Section X there is a lengthy Daily that is ~not behind a Phase, where you have to run around clicking a series of mission items & then entering a small phased room to collect data from a terminal, which spawns a guardian droid the first time.


As if the Sec. X Dailies for the Republic were not long enough (as compared to Empire, the Republic Sec. Daily's take soooo much longer. Incredibly tedious & just not fun to grind through) this Daily is ridiculously bugged out. The bonus for this mission changes order every time you play it. The standard order is organized thusly:


• Collect 10 Datapads

• Destroy 10 Data droids

• Defeat 3 Sith Lords

• Defeat Droid boss


This bonus line in addition to the already long & annoying Daily mission is bugged. Every time you start it again, the bonus order is changes. Sometimes it starts out where you have to defeat the droid boss, then it goes to the Sith Lords, & then the data droids. Sometimes it is the Droid boss, then the data droids, then the Sith Lords. Other times it could skip the Datapad portion all together once again, & only be the Droid boss.


In rare occurrences, the Droid boss will be the first step, & it will not even spawn, rendering the entire bonus line un-achievable unless one wishes to reset the entire Daily, which would be ridiculous because by the time you've learned that the Droid won't spawn, you are nearly done with the Daily itself.



This Daily needs to be fixed, & to be honest, I think the Republic Daily's for Sec. X need to be re-designed. They are incredibly long & tedious as compared to the Empire, which can complete Sec. X in about 20 minutes to solo, whereas Republic takes well over an hour (to solo).




In addition! I'd also vote to have the Asteroid Beast's pound attack with the knockback combo either nerfed, made interruptable, or his Enrage nerfed. Doing that bonus boss with a pug I will never risk, because even as a Tank with great stats (10k Armor, high HP, high damage reduction etc) if just one aspect of the group is lacking, Heals, Tank, or DPS, the very end of the boss fight will cause a wipe, even if he has 13k HP left, the enrage is just too much. I think he could be cooled off a bit.

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I'm impressed with the length, thought and detail you put into this post. But basically you've just stated the obvious. The game is heavily biased AGAINST the Republic already. There are many points to back this up, it's known as fact now more than speculation. The fact that our quests are much longer and suck in comparison to Imperial quests is already well known. Add to this point, the fact that Imps can freely invade our base by hopping up some rocks, and we cannot enter the Imperial base in any way due to an invisible shield. You can see clearly that Repin' ain't easy. :p
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