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A small bugreport list


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Hello, preffered player here.

Been playing TOR for a while now, and made many mails to support citing bugs. Most of them told me to report bugs ingame or post on the forum instead, 2 things I couldn't do as pref-player. However now that I got a month of sub (it's a


better deal imo to sub and get RoHC than get it seperately) I can post here, since I have no idea which mails did get fast-forwarded to QA or got stuck there (suggestion; a way for prefs to report bugs).

So here's a summary of all issues I reported those past months, excluding ones that got fixed in the meanwhile, the one about worldboss griefing (since I don't want to give any trolls ideas) and the cheater (since it's not allowed to


call out people on these boards). For the rest it's all here. Some I have updated a bit to reflect my knowledge gained after the report.

So, here, without further ado, the buglist;



* On Hoth; talking to Korl Torin in the Crescent Canyon Mine (Exploding Mines quest) while in team if my Trooper one saying line 1 for the first option the convo would cut off. Haven't tried solo, but my smuggler friend used 1 and the


conversation could continue just fine.

* On Hoth, finishing the Togutra Rescue mission reporting success a line says 'you find them!' It should read 'you found them!'

* During the Enforcer Salvage Crash Site instance on Hoth, Conspicious Gallantry quest killing Imperials gave me the Hoth Bruiser achievement for killing White Maw. Looks like the Imps are counter incorrect as pirates.

* Same during the Tromper Crags Geothermal Plant instance (Scorched earth quest) the Imperials made me get the Hoth Skirmisher achievement, meaning they too are counted incorrect.

* After destroying the Gauntlet (Trooper storyline) you can re-enter the Gauntlet. You can even re-enter the instance, walking around the in a cutscene quite-blown-away ship. Probably should give an error message instead if you try to


exit your ship to the gauntlet.

* Elara Dorn's conversation "The Final Test" doesn't give the proper influence you should after it's done (gives none at all).

* Following my Smuggler friend in a Nar Shaddaa instance, he loaded the 'King's Ransom' map. I got kicked out of the instance on Nar Shaddaa though. He had to travel back to pick me up, and I could travel if going first. Probably if the


smuggler goes there and he has mates teleport them there instead of dropping them off the instance.

* It seems traveling in another persons instance updates it for him. Had my friend travel in my instance to the fleet for the chapter II reward. Didn't update for him, did for me while still on Coruscant. Talking about Coruscant, the


Trooper needs to travel there many times and the goal 'go to Coruscant' still wont properly update using Legacy Travel. Thought that got changed in the past so it seems it got unfixed in the meantime.

* During the "Public Relations" Trooper mission a bonus is killing republic forces. Regular imperial troops or droids don't count for this. But Imperial Commando's somehow do.

* Also there's a non-functional door in Krasul's room. Probably should be red instead of green as door-icon with a proper failure text if you're never intended to go there.

* During the "A Little R and R" Trooper mission Aric's VO is a lot shorter than the subtitle implies it should be.

* You don't actually need maximum 30 minutes between the Hoth bosses for the achievement claiming so. A friend of mine got it, even though there were 4 days between killing the 2 bosses.

* If you travel to another planet on someone else's ship, then use legacy travel personal spaceship on that planet, you don't end up on your ship, you end up on that other players ship. However it lacks all stuff (teammates, legacy


unlocks, even the space mission console) and you have to exit it and reenter the instance for your own ship. A lot of extra unneeded loading screens.

* Travelling to the fleet with the fleet pass to finish chapter 1 inside another player's instance didn't properly update the goal. I had to fly to another planet and back to get it to update. similarly, going to the fleet by starter


planet or home planet (Corucant, Dromund Kaas) shuttle instead of your own ship doesn't update the goal either.

* Speeder/rocket boots no longer fade out properly when they are unavailable (speeders a lot of cases, rocket boots in pvp matches).

* Since 2.0 consoles, mailboxes, vendors and caches take long to load in. Especially noticable on the fleet. Also after loading there's a long time a black screen before the game arrives. Also the loading screen may sometimes obstruct


the screen while you can hear the game in the background, and the space map on your ship takes long to load.

* 2.0 added unique loading screens for the Heroic space missions. The very first patch unmade them, they are *still* not restored.

* During the smuggler campaign, unknown quest (was in someone else's instant) on Alderaan (Hangar RS-32) there's Risha saying a long line, but the subtitle only gives the end of it; "Good luck, Captain. I'lll be waiting"...

* At the Theoretika, only 1 person can use the final 2 bonus datalogs. Others in the instance will get a 'not eligable' warning (Barracks 4B and Medical Bay).

* During space all sound can suddenly stop playing (I notice this most often during the Baros Ambush). It returns once the missions over and you return to the ship (so still gone if you retry after failing). Nowhere else in the game this



* During Navare Coast we captured the eastern emplacement with 0% left on the clock (giving us 2 of 3). Result; game didn't end at all anymore. Shield stayed up, no endscreen, no reward.

* Operation bosses can give wrong achievement (16p instead of 8p, EC tanks) or not be given at all (8p NM EV puzzle and Masters fight).

* No codex entries are given anymore for operation bosses? That means you can't fill the codex 'epic enemies' out anymore and less legacy XP

* (On Ilum and only after latest patch). Most instances have blocks of red over them if green/blue. This can make it seem like the instance is unavailable while it isn't.

* Several things miss names. Mostly special abilities used by enemies, but in Battle of Ilum, story mode, a lot of enemies lack their name too.

* You can get 2 free Force Smash attacks for a single charge of Force Crush. That seems broken and overpowered. Simply use Crush, then Smash (2 stacks will be generated, lowering 66% from the 3 rage cost, which the game will round to


being free apparently). Afterwards 2 stacks will still wait for the next smash to render it free too.

* Ever since the tweak making the Taral V boss unavoidable this glitch has been in. Noticed quite a while ago, thought it might be fixed, but got Taral V today with random hard mode flashpoints using the group finder, and found it very


much still persists.

The issue being that once the base is bombed, you *cannot* die. Revival means you get spawned at the start with the transport, and the door is locked, with no way to open it. And no way at all to finish the FP.

Considering it can render the FP unfinishable it's bad to see it has persisted so long. Hopefully it will get fixed on short notice.

* After starting quest with Ganuk (Nar Shaddaa, Lower Industrial Sectory, Labor District) if you try to talk with him again his single line is a cutscene, with multiplayer conversation option... (not happening if quest is done)

* If you send your companion on a mission, then summon another, the timer is still displaying on top of that teammember, it should be gone.

* When trying to enter/exit a main quest zone with a timed quest (On Taris with the Rakghoul bite quest) it says the time quest failed on top of the screen and in the log, while it's still running.

* Impoved Speeder Piloting III (legacy) unlocks speeder piloting at lvl 30. You need lvl 35 to buy it. It's the only one of the three where unlock level and requirement level mismathces.

* Containing the Beast (Belsavis daily quest). When my teammate entered the instance, my quest got reset, including the bonus (or social points gained during the initial convo). Maybe make the instances forced solo, better solution than


this. Bonus (small) issue; kicking the box for the wielder has no description text.

* Helping out someone else for the Illum MQ in the Jedi Temple the messages kept getting repeated whenever I hit the trigger. They only run once for her (proper way) though.

* When still being on Balmorra, my Sith Warrior loading screen mentioned travelling to Nar Shaddaa already.

* Certain powers no longer stack their icons, meaning you can get a lot of debuff icons on you when fighting enemies. Annoying. Affected include (but probably not limited to); Shocked (Tech), Slowed (Tech), Crushed (Force), Poisoned



* Certain actions miss description also in the english version. Aforementioned kick and; "Zyyskel" special attack (Belsavis), "Elshuu's Nightmare Warrior" special attack (Belsavis), Placing the bomb for detionation (Explosive Discontent,


Dromund Kaas), "Captain Grimyk" special attack (Cademimu flashpoint, Republic), "Morgukai Cultist" and "Morgukai Chieftain" special attack (Nar Shaddaa). The other types of Morgukai it works flawlessly with though.

* Vanguard Outpost (Balmorra, Empire) lacks a vendor droid.

* Certain weapons lack a proper description, like during the Battle of Ilum flahspoint (Republic, Hard); "acklay_droid_ranged_huttamingdroid" I got killed by.

* For Republic atleast (Consular ship), travelling to Hoth's animation seems broken. Tried both Fleet and Corscant, both time nothing happened when flying there, and exiting the ship showed landing on the Fleet/Coruscant. Did properly


load Hoth afterwards though.

* Talking to Ciqala (Nar Shaddaa, Republic bonus) after accepting his quest gives a full cutscene mode look even though it's one line and should be a subsequent given during regular play.

* After finishing the Militia timed quest on Tatooine, used quick travel to go back (after all, calls a transport). However, instead of allowing the militia to travel with me, the quest was reset.

* You can purchase a speeder you already have for a second time (should better show what you got. Also needed on a speeder in an op that turned out I had later).

* Suggestion?; Allowing you to compare your own items with other players if you view their character (currently, no box next to the item is drawn, even with compare enabled in the options).

* Sometimes when arriving on my ship Tharan, Zenith and Iresso are working on a console in Tharan's room. However they are still in their respective locations too, Tharan even in the same room... (so ending up appearing twice)

* Noch (Alderaan) lacks VO for this 'Thul and Baliss won't be having any banquets together for a while. Good work.' line (after completing his mission)

* Not exactly a bug, but a story issue. On Tatooine my character doesn't know Rakatan, but when answering the Noekitaon (sp?) on Tython (chapter 3) he suddenly knows all about them.

* In the "Unexpected Assistance" quest (Belsavis) the bonus does count team-wide, however reverting the Warden Droids doesn't. So a team of 2 needs to subdue 10 droids instead of 5, easily making double the bonus in kills.

* "Tempting Fate" (Voss) for 2 players. It can be hard for one player to update the 'Locate Sith Encampment' goal, still not updating while standing in the middle of the camp...



Well, mostly minor stuff thus, still...

And some new additions I didn't send;

* Completing "Tech Jealousy" (Hutta) Dark Side ending, the hunter will still hunt. However the questgivers will, when spoken to mention how you stopped the hunter instead.

* Using extortion in "Settling Accounts" doesn't grand the any extra money.

* Having legacy of persuasion 2... the following quests give incorrect influence (Yuun, Trooper); "The path to war" (had 2x 54, got 92 instead of 108) and "Zaviir-juna" (144,54,144,432 for a totla of 774, but nly 676 affection was


granted). Could also happen with other convo's but took notes for these.


Will post more in this thread if I find more... or just use the ingame bug report options now. Yes, I am nitpickery, I know :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, actually reported all these (with some updates qua info and some new found bugs) using the ingame system recently, and thanks to the reduced ingame character limit it took 14 tickets.

Hate to think how many it took if I made one per bug as suggested in some sticky.


Anyway, good luck with fixing them if they're not going to be ignored...


To make a short story shorter;

That character limit seems really low.

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Apparently they don't like to be told what's wrong with the game in the form of a list of issues:


6. Please avoid posting "compilation" threads consisting of more than one bug. In general, unless things are closely tied together (such that you have a hunch they're caused by the same thing), threads and reports of this nature are far more difficult to track and parse and will generally not be good for replies and/or status updates.


Perhaps you should make individual posts for each item you have tripped across in game. :D

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