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[Suggestion] Hard Mode Class Story content & event


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Has it ever happened to you that you finish a RPG but regardless of the, hopefully, great and satisfying journey to the end of the game you simply want to replay it again? ofcourse it has, RPG fans are no strangers to that kind of scenario, that is why some RPG games have a "New Game+" mode which allows you to replay the game keeping all your items and skills but with a higher difficulty setting, this is exactly what the game needs!


One of the strongest selling points this game has is the story, Bioware wants us to play all class stories (which makes sense since they are all fun) but this is an mmoRPG, I do not participate in RP yet I do feel a connection to my character, I've created a story for him, how he got his mask, lightsaber, etc, so while it seems logical to just create another character to replay the story, I want MY already created character to go through the story again, the one I care for, not some random zabrak.


I know some people do not play, any game, just for the sake of playing it, so while I know I would enjoy playing the story again with my old character just for the fun, there has to be some kind of reward for doing so, maybe new achievements, maybe some nice gear (cosmetic or otherwise) simple rewards, details that show some thought put into it are the best, or maybe something even simpler (and more obvious) like a bonus to experience to your next alt.


This might look like new "old" content, but any content is new if you give us a new way to experience it, like the new HM flashpoints you added for 2.0, this brings me to the next point. Higher difficulty, do you remember that first time you were wandering that RPG world and noticed something odd, maybe a big, lonely, scary monster just standing there? (I am looking at you Emerald Weapon from FF) you had no idea wether to approach it or not because you did not know what could happen, then you get into the fight and there is a sense of dread when that monster takes half of your health points in a single hit... nice moments which this game is lacking. I want that last quest on Belsavis, as a Knight, where they were plotting to blow the planet to actually be hard to complete, maybe even a true countdown... you get the idea.


Bioware crafted huge, beautiful worlds that remain virtually empty, they have tried to address this with GSI dailies, but honestly it is not enough, specially considering that they are mostly time consuming instead of fun. Consider this, with people going through the Hard Mode Class Story, you will have populated planets again (things that motivate them to leave the safety shelter known as the fleet are good) and it would be amazing if you could make periodic events on certain planets. Every 15 days you could add quests that are completed in a designated area of a planet, for example Balmorra, Imperials/The Republic is trying to obtain this facility/resource to advance their war effort and it is your duty to stop them, the first 15 days of a month could be on a planet that is not accessible by both sides, making it a PvE event, and the following 15 days make it on a planet that both factions can fight each other so it turns into Open Wolrd PvP.


That last point is one of the most important, for some reason that war between the two factions is overlooked by you, as a Jedi Knight I want to aid in defeating the Empire and bring security to the galaxy, as a Operative I want to become an agent of change for the Empire, fighting Dread Masters or Hutts is just not the same. There is a reason we are playing a Star Wars MMO.


This is a great, amazing game, huge potential, with some minor additions could become even better.


Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Yes! This is what have to be implemented in SWTOR. I already have Legacy 50 and I almost completed all storylines, and I really wanted to repeate some of them (for example Jedi Knight - my first story I finished in January 2012) but I don't have time and alacrity to roll another alt just for that - it takes too much time. Option to repeat class story on hard mode would be great, they can even give that option as a reward for Legacy 50 or something like that (and sub-only).
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  • 3 years later...
I definitely want to have something like this, they already released veteran story chapters for the KOTFE and KOTET expansions, i would love to see this implemented as well. It would give a chance to revisit old story areas, and see the different dialogue options. The issue I have with the class stories post 4.0 is that most of the fights have become too easy to do.
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