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Please tell me I didn't lose the romance with Torian!


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So, I made the mistake that so many of us hope to never make...I failed to escape out of an early conversation with Torian on time. It was the one where



he asks you if he can ask you a personal question. If you chose the flirt option, he asks you if you are seeing anyone. If you just say, "fire away" he asks you why you joined the Great Hunt and the rest of the conversation is neutral and friendlly.



I didn't chose the flirt and was exploring the other conversation options when it ended just as I was hitting esc. I never actually turned him down or rejected a flirt...I just didn't initiate one where I could have. Please tell me that conversation wasn't the pivotal one that makes or breaks the romance! The next conversation did give me another flirt option (which I took), but his response was kind of vague, so I can't really tell if I'm on track.


I've put a lot into this character (CM armor, expensive dyes, nice CM speeder) and can't imagine starting her over. I'm worried! The romances are one of my favorite parts of the game.

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Well, I know that each companion has one conversation that ends the romance (or triggers it) and that that's the "switch" the game uses to decide. I know Corso's for example is very early on, and depending on what you choose in that one conversation, the romance is either triggered (with no chance of stopping it) or not (with no chance of restarting it.) Bioware has confirmed what a few of the pivotal conversations are for some of the companions, but people are still guessing on the others. I was hoping someone knew what Torian's key conversation was.


That said, I have gotten two more small flirts with him in conversations since, which is promising, and he accepts courting gifts (small affection gain) which I think is a good sign. I think I may have to wait until Act II ends to find out if the romance has really started or not though.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Well yup, not knowing if a answer that I read as a playful comment actually is "I don't want you"-answer in the game makes me go for almost all the flirts for the romances. It would be fun to roleplay a little more, but I do not wish to re-roll an entire character. Sometimes I really miss the symbols from DAII.
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I usually go for all the flirts too, just to be on the safe side. But I still like to see the other conversation options and escape out of them. I've discovered that Torian's conversations are extremely short - more so than other companions, in my experience - and so I'm not taking any more chances.


Torian has since asked my BH to marry him, so I'd say that means the romance is on. ;)



At least, I think that's what he was asking...it was all in Mando'a, so who knows? He was down on one knee though, so I'm going to assume it was a marriage proposal. :p



I wish some very industrious person would figure out how to compile a list of all the romance companions' "trigger" conversations. It would be so useful! It seems like many times the "obvious"-sounding conversations are in fact not the key ones.

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Ha ha, well, I would also assume that that would be a proposal. Know my BH would be mighty disappointed if it turned out to be a request for a brand new gear or something like that. Great that the romance didn't switch off even if you skipped a flirt.


And that list, yes! I would really like something like that. Know that Corso has one, and have heard that male LI for Sith Inq has one as well. My little sith will most likely fling herself at the poor guy just in order to not end up involuntarily single :p

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