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In all seriousness though. Since we are about confessions here, Jesus is my Lord and Savior.


Hello everyone and welcome to the Off-Topic Forum! I wanted to explain a little bit about this forum, our intent in opening it, and the rules that exist around the forum.


We think we have a pretty awesome community here on the forums and we know that sometimes, you might not want to talk about just SWTOR with your friends that you made here. Maybe you want to talk about your favorite pizza topping, or your favorite rollercoaster. Now you can. The sole purpose of this forum is to talk about subjects which simply don't involve SWTOR.


On occasion, you will also see not only the Community team in here, but it is also our goal to get some other folks from around the studio to jump in and join the conversation. Of course that won't take away from any development time or anything, but it is a fun opportunity to see the more human side of some of us here in the studio.


With that being said, there are some rules which must be followed. Basically, all of the normal rules of the forums apply except for the topic must be about SWTOR. Here are a few rules I want to call attention to specifically.

  • Discussion of religion is not permitted.
  • Discussion of politics is not permitted.
  • Call outs of any type are not allowed.
  • Always remain respectful towards other forum members, even if you have dissenting opinions.


You should treat this forum as if it was any other forum here on the site. Report any posts which you feel are in breach of the forum rules and breaking a forum rule can lead to a warning or infraction respectively.


I look forward to seeing you in the forums!







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Thank you for your participation friend. I am not nor have I discussed religion. I have stated my faith. I do not see in those rules that I am breaking the rules by stating that I am a Christian. I am not discussing my said faith. That is against the rules.

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Thank you for your participation friend. I am not nor have I discussed religion. I have stated my faith. I do not see in those rules that I am breaking the rules by stating that I am a Christian. I am not discussing my said faith. That is against the rules.



Discussion of religion.

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Discussion of religion.


It's not a discussion. It's just a statement and confession. If no one asks about it or he doesn't speak more about it, it is not a discussion and therefore valid.


If you continue to press the issue, then that would fall under trolling and nonconstructive forum conduct, which will get you actioned.


So, I ask you nicely: May you please drop it?

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It's not a discussion. It's just a statement and confession. If no one asks about it or he doesn't speak more about it, it is not a discussion and therefore valid.


If you continue to press the issue, then that would fall under trolling and nonconstructive forum conduct, which will get you actioned.


So, I ask you nicely: May you please drop it?


It's not trolling. I wouldn't do such a thing.



It's merely warning an individual that he is discussing religion, which, as clearly stated is not tolerated.

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It's not trolling. I wouldn't do such a thing.



It's merely warning an individual that he is discussing religion, which, as clearly stated is not tolerated.


I appreciate the warning, but nobody is discussing religion. Discussions take place between multiple people. I have not engaged in nor has anyone engaged me in a discussion on the topic. I am open to PMs if you want to talk though.

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I appreciate the warning, but nobody is discussing religion. Discussions take place between multiple people. I have not engaged in nor has anyone engaged me in a discussion on the topic. I am open to PMs if you want to talk though.



Yea. No. I'm good.

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My confessions


1- I failed my entrance exam and I still have to tell my Mother, Step-Father and Biological-Father.... sooo not looking forward to those conversations... :(


2- I'm an Atheist from an Atheist family (except my sister, she believes in god)


Sorry to hear about your entrance exam. What specifically were you trying to enter into?

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I was trying to become a Fashion Designer


sigh, I'm not fashionable enough apparently.


Find a niche need and fill it. I think that you should begin a crusade against male skinny jeans. Bring back overalls.

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I confess that I am way too introverted. I spent too much time playing games and less time on my studies. The peace and security of online worlds is of a great comfort to me. But as a result I no longer care very much about friends and I have lost my will to meet people. Also and this is harder to admit I take things way to personally and get upset too quickly.


Jesus that part with video games is me as well, considering the way things have been going lately for me though, it feels like one of the few comforts I have left

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Jesus that part with video games is me as well, considering the way things have been going lately for me though, it feels like one of the few comforts I have left


I also have to agree.


This and PT is my only comfort I have left, I really don't have any true friends, or anyone that cares that much for me.

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I also have to agree.


This and PT is my only comfort I have left, I really don't have any true friends, or anyone that cares that much for me.


I just wanted to respond to this. I have maybe 3 real friends and you know what? They all live in another country. It isn't the amount of friends that matters but the fact we can have just one. Also while I understand how you feel man I really do. I can assure you that more people care about you then you realize. I may enjoy my gaming too much and feel more comfortable on my own but I know for sure that when push comes to shove their are people there. Try to think about it like that.

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I just wanted to respond to this. I have maybe 3 real friends and you know what? They all live in another country. It isn't the amount of friends that matters but the fact we can have just one. Also while I understand how you feel man I really do. I can assure you that more people care about you then you realize. I may enjoy my gaming too much and feel more comfortable on my own but I know for sure that when push comes to shove their are people there. Try to think about it like that.


It sucks when your real friends all live on different continents, but it makes tolerating their personal problems so much easier! :D

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There is nothing wrong with being introverted and preferring to keep to yourself rather then pretend that you care about the lives and problems of other people. Humans need social contact to an extent because we are social creatures and lack of social contact literally leads to severe mental problems. However, you don't need 200 facebook "friends" nor do you need to be out on weekends to satiate that need. As long as you can express your thoughts and feelings to another human being, that innate need is met.


It's the attitude of the media and those more socially active that propagate the rather false idea of what is "normal". As long as *YOU* are comfortable you have nothing to feel bad about or feel sorry for yourself. If you feel lonely and miserable then get in touch with old friends but if you don't after being honest with yourself then there is nothing "wrong" with you. When it comes to personality and psychology, nothing is really normal, only what other people push as normal and those people can be safely ignored as they are more often than not incredibly uncomfortable with themselves, so they try to push their own ideas and notions onto others in search of reinforcement.


Which, ironically, is what it may seem that *I'm* doing, but I'm not. I've just studied psychology too much for my own good.

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There is nothing wrong with being introverted and preferring to keep to yourself rather then pretend that you care about the lives and problems of other people. Humans need social contact to an extent because we are social creatures and lack of social contact literally leads to severe mental problems. However, you don't need 200 facebook "friends" nor do you need to be out on weekends to satiate that need. As long as you can express your thoughts and feelings to another human being, that innate need is met.


It's the attitude of the media and those more socially active that propagate the rather false idea of what is "normal". As long as *YOU* are comfortable you have nothing to feel bad about or feel sorry for yourself. If you feel lonely and miserable then get in touch with old friends but if you don't after being honest with yourself then there is nothing "wrong" with you. When it comes to personality and psychology, nothing is really normal, only what other people push as normal and those people can be safely ignored as they are more often than not incredibly uncomfortable with themselves, so they try to push their own ideas and notions onto others in search of reinforcement.


Which, ironically, is what it may seem that *I'm* doing, but I'm not. I've just studied psychology too much for my own good.


Thanks for that.;)

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It sucks when your real friends all live on different continents, but it makes tolerating their personal problems so much easier! :D


Actually the opposite is true for me, I feel that my tolerance for their personal issues is actually much less. In fact most of the time and I am really sad to admit this I don't really care about their issues but I will listen to them anyway.

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