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Flashpoint wait times/cross server queing


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I would like to see cross server queing for raids/flashpoints. I waited almost 3 hours with my dps merc to get into one. This is unacceptable and is the reason people leave to play other games. I love this game. The story, the worlds, ect. I feel like my time is being wasted when out of 4 hours of play time, I can't get into a random group. This game has so much potential, but it's issues like this that lose customers. Address them and the game will be unstoppable. Upon speaking to other players, I found they were experiencing the same issues (unless your tank or heals). A lot of people said they bounce from character to character just to try to get into a flash point. Edited by evalone
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You answered your own question. DPS is always going to wait longer. If they do cross server GF you will just have more DPS vying for the same spots with approximately the same Tank:Heals:DPS ratio just on a bigger scale.


Make a tank. Make a healer. Or make friends with a tank or healer and group together.


Not to mention that cross sever groups are going to bring out worse in ninja looters as there would pretty much be no consequences for poor behavior.

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cross server will fix absolutely nothing. the ratio of dps to tanks/healers is going to remain the same.


you know why your queues suck?




1. you need a tank and a healer for every 2 dps. that is a considerable number.

2. taking in this game is more involved and the rest of the group often likes to make tank's lives even more difficult

3. healing is more fun in this game, but still sucks when the rest of the group ignores half the trash pull and lets them chew healer's face. over. and over. and over.

4. because of the points 2 and 3, a lot of healers and tanks stopped pugging, or if they do pug, they usually do it with at least one other person they know.


cross server queues will only make problem 2 and 3 worse, and they will do nothing to fix 1 and in a long run they will increase occurrences of 4. why am I so convinced that they will make it worse? right now, if you make other people's lives hell in a flashpoint? you go on ignore list, they never see you again, and THAt is often an incentive for people to behave... because you run enough flashpoints, you start recognizing people, guilds, etc. reputation still has some meaning. cross server queue? motivation to behave is quickly removed as you realize that ignore does nothing to reduce occurrence of jerks in your pugs.


the ONLY thing that cross server queue might marginally improve is finding group at odd hours for your server, since it will combine different time zones. but the drawbacks IMO are not worth it.


in before WoW - WoW has 3 dps per group composition - fewer healers/tanks required. in WoW tanking is easy to the point of being mind numbing, even with dps that jumps ahead.


tldr version? cross server queue? hell no.

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For cross server queues to solve anything, there would need to be at least one server, where Tanks (and to a smaller scale healers) actually got to wait... as long as tanks are the bottleneck on all servers, pooling all those omgwtfbbq DDs into one global queue will not solve anything.


Global queues do however bring social problems with it, such as blatant ninja looting, as was experienced in other games, just because you can be sure, that you will hardly see that other person again, when they are from another server.


Cross-Server only works for PvP, as there is no class-matching taking place anyway.

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Interesting points. I never viewed it that way. I agree with the ninja comments and joing a guild. I would at the very least like to see an estimated wait like wow has. I've tanked in this game and was a tank in wow. I just find repecing and carrying 2 sets of gear (one for tanking, one for dmg) A pain. I could be wrong in this game, as ive quested in my main spec gear. I'm assuming u would need 2 sets. Feed back is appreciated. I am on Jung ma, a low to medium population server. Cheers


I have leveled all modes in this game, tank, healer, dps. I can tell you that outside of pvp which I haven't done, nothing in game can not be run easily in all the modes. I have never had to respec for anything yet.

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I had to carry multiple sets of gear in WoW as well. so not like there's a huge difference there, other than WoW having spec presets and TOR having you switch manually.


also, other than pure dps advanced classes, I leveled all my characters as tanks or healers. believe it or not, I found it significantly easier than leveling dps, especially once you get your tanking/healing companion, but even prior to that, you are essentially running in a group of your own and having ability to heal yourself and companion up (or just take the hits in case of playing a tank) is pretty darn amazing. unlike WoW where at first it was impossible to level as one of those specs, then for one expansion, they made it possible and awesome and then they decided that no, we don't like it, and dual spec is cheap now, so we're just going to force you all to buy it and have a dps spec for questing >_> (I just stopped playing again recently, in case you can't tell :p )

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