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Holonet Timeline: Where is the rest of the story?


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I've been following the game for quite sometime, I'm now diving into the storyline of the game and the lore. I loved watching the little videos on the website about the History of these events. What has happened to updating it? I was under the impression that most of it would be released by the game's release date but nothing has been updated in months!

While i do appreciate the Game's timely launch i still hunger for the extra background story.


Thank you!


(PS you all just lost btw.)

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They're finished, #12 was the last one. This was announced some time ago.





Okay, one big question.

Why do you think the timeline entries stopped getting made? are they much more expensive than they looked? was no one watching them? did you just not have any more scripts for the earlier (chronological) entries?

I was really surprised to see that those weren't working out for you.


Stephen Reid:

I know exactly why as I was involved in the decision. ("Burn him!")

Truth is as we went further and further back in time, the entries would become less and less relevant to the current game. We wanted them to be in some way relevant, so we took the decision to put them on hiatus.

It's still possible we'll restart them but it's probably more likely that we'll do something that's 'Timeline-like' but has more relevance to the game as it expands.

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