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Classes's story and chapter V


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Mine post is about the classes's story, and the likely future extention (The new daily quests area and the new companion looks similar to the Sector X and HK-51).


In the chapters I to III, we can see a story focus on us characters, which differentiated clearly every character and could incite to reroll the same classe (like the agent with his various ends).


In the chapter IV we see a story focus on a world (Makeb) and factions (Hutt's Cartel, Empire, Republic), but not focus on classes's story. Then, the game needed a point to clarify the position of the factions (especially the Empire) so this was a very good choice (to don't say a perfect choice).


But in your likely intended extention, it would be great and good, if we can find a real classes's story, taking back the point of exit of the chapter III for us character(s) with the galactic

political situation of the chapter IV.


That is all.


Thank to have read me.

Edited by Fyror
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I agree, I think the Makeb story brought our Characters out of the interlude phase and correctly introduced us to the new section of the war...The Republic is winning, and the Empire is on the brink of defeat. The Makeb story for the Republic was more...of a..let's see...Im not sure, like a refreshment for your character to come back into the story, like your job was to deal with this Hutt threat, make some allies, so you could focus on the war again...

However for the empire, it was more desperate...You HAD to succeed on Makeb for the Empire to gain some sort of hope to turn the tide of the war...

Now after this is conclcuded for both sides...Marr and Sareesh tell the player the plans of the war... Empire plans to bleed it out, Republic plans to press on and strike the Empire at key points....

So Chapter 5! Theres so much they could do with this, because theres so many areas to explore, so many loop holes...for example- What about the Revan/Emporer conflict? That could seize the war itself...

- Tons of Dark Spirits out their to cause trouble for both sides

-More planets to introduce, I think Manaan would be interesting because of its neutrality, though voss kinda captured that feeling...Dantooine would be a great place to introduce Revan again...Rakata Prime....

-I hope too that they bring back storylines for each class, because without it I feel bored in the "shared" storylines...like insignificant....I know Bioware can come up with great stuff, so I guess we will have to wait and see

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