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Imperial Taris and Republic Ord Mantell Cathar Quests


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This isn't a huge issue, but I was taking my Cathar Bounty Hunter through Imperial Taris and noticed a lot of quests about destroying/harming/maiming/whatever the various Cathar on the planet. I think it would be nice if the quests were updated to trigger special responses when a Cathar is taking these quests. One specific one I just accepted bashed aliens, then when I took the 'alien insulted' response, he said he wasn't talking about me... Just the Cathar. *snerks* It was a huge facepalm moment and prompted me to bring this up here.


Notice I also mentioned Ord Mantell? Well, the Cathar are mentioned specifically in the stolen medicine quest there near the beginning. It might be nice if the guy didn't explain to Cathar just what we were... I'd think Cathar would know by now.


But Taris was the bigger offender of the two. I kind of wanted to smack the quest givers for all the Cathar slaying since my bounty hunter is predominantly light side.

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While it is great for dark siders, there should be at least one option per conversation, not per response segment, but the conversation as a whole, where you note some objection. After all, playing a light sider Imperial is actually amusing on many levels. :D
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Notice I also mentioned Ord Mantell? Well, the Cathar are mentioned specifically in the stolen medicine quest there near the beginning. It might be nice if the guy didn't explain to Cathar just what we were... I'd think Cathar would know by now.

I was actually wondering where you were going with that one since I don't remember the quest giver being negative about Cathar, but now that you mention it that is hilarious. At the very least, having the camera focus back on your character whilst they facepalm would be a pretty apt, low resource addition.


Taris is just... awkward. I was thinking I might just give the whole planet chain a miss on my cathar bounty hunter.

Edited by Bleeters
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Unlikely for it to happen. There's this one planet where the Rattataki take this huge beating and there's no reference to it, even when you're a Rattataki, both republic and imperial side. Fail to see why the Cathar should be different or why Bioware should walk the extra mile, everytime they add a new playable race.
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Unlikely for it to happen. There's this one planet where the Rattataki take this huge beating and there's no reference to it, even when you're a Rattataki, both republic and imperial side. Fail to see why the Cathar should be different or why Bioware should walk the extra mile, everytime they add a new playable race.


its just lazy imo, i mean if you play a chiss IA your species is brought up multiplle times and there is unique diologe on Hoth (not counting the story even) there is even unique lines for pureblood but for many it just seems that biofail just gave up or couldn't be arsed.

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its just lazy imo, i mean if you play a chiss IA your species is brought up multiplle times and there is unique diologe on Hoth (not counting the story even) there is even unique lines for pureblood but for many it just seems that biofail just gave up or couldn't be arsed.


It's not lazy, just not worth the investment to record dialogue all over again, every time they add a new playable race or species.


I suppose it's no worse than doing the Foundry as a pureblood and telling HK that you don't have a drop of sith blood in you.


Chalk it up to whiny brats. Only people who rolled a Sith Warrior were supposed to have a Pureblood Sith but Bioware cave in, which gave way to that inconsistency. Same happened with the Chiss, which was an Imperial Agent exclusive and the Rattataki, which weren't available for the Sith Inquisitor either.


I always cringe when I remember my Chiss BH asking to a fellow Chiss where Chiss originated from. :eek::cool:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, whilst killing your own species is fine (after all, they are helping the Republic) the text did grate in many places for a Cathar, unlike all the worlds so far.


Came here to pretty much make this post, and found you'd beaten me to it!

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I have noticed the starter Ord Mantell quest, with the guy who calls them something like "Big cat people"....*facepalm*....A Cathar would be like...."did he just say that?" :) I agree, 100%.
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