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Screwy Text After Switching Characters


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I have up-to-date drivers for my video card (GeForce 550) and I run Windows 7.




This happens to me on a daily basis and the only way to fix it is to restart SWTOR. It usually happens when I switch toons so the more I switch (like when I want to send companions out for missions with multiple toons) the higher the probability of this happening.


I'll also get this rarely when starting the game for the first time but I hold my breath every time I switch toons and if I'm switching to bring in a tank instead of my DPS for a flashpoint and this happens then I have to ask them to wait while I restart SWTOR from scratch, for which I feel bad.


I think this is extremely rare cuz nobody in my guild has this issue and the few times I've asked the fleet if anyone has this I get blank stares. It's not a game-breaker or anything just really annoying.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm still having this problem and now it's EXTREMELY bad since this last patch (September 17, 2013).


Before, it would mostly happen when I switched toons and maybe only a few times/day.


Now I have to re-launch SWTOR 3-7 times before I get a clear character screen but even then, once I select one and get into the game, all of the texts are garbled and completely unreadable which means...


  • I can't read chat.
  • I can't read missions.
  • I can't look at my character sheet and check gear.
  • I can't use the GTN.


Basically, I can't do ANYTHING, cuz EVERYTHING we do has some kind of text to read and if I can't read it I can't play. Before it was tolerable in frequency but now it's nearly constant.

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I have the same problem, the text is unreadable, which makes the game unplayable.

Edit - Did a repair install and it seems to be working ... for now.

Edit - Character switching seems to trigger the bug, I started out fine but as I cycled through my characters to apply my excess rep items for the event last week it started again.

Edited by LadyKohastFel
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Well, I'm glad to see it's not just me anymore, but sad that it's happening much more frequently.


I did a "clean install" of my Nvidia drivers and played for about an hour but only switched toons once but everything seemed ok. Now I come back and I get it on my first login of the evening.


Now, I've had this problem for probably a year, but it's never been to the point where I can't play SWTOR, so I have to re-launch the game sometimes, no big deal. But right now I can't play unless I get extremely lucky with a login and also hoping that zoning somewhere doesn't trigger this issue either.


I've posted here in the bug forum and also submitted a bug ticket but hopefully now that more people seem to be having this issue they can take a look at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, it seems to be getting worse every day.


Now the only way I can play SWTOR without this problem is if i reboot my computer and run SWTOR FIRST before anything else. Let it load all the way to the character select screen and THEN I can start other programs.


So if I'm already running Chrome/Firefox/Word/etc SWTOR will ALWAYS have this screwy fonts problem. I've restarted SWTOR a dozen times in a row to see if it'll work itself out but it doesn't. I MUST reboot my entire PC and make sure to launch SWTOR FIRST before anything else.



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