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Jedi Guardian - Looking for RP-orientated guild.


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Hello all,


I've just re-created my Jedi Knight and I am seeking a guild for him. I've been playing TOR on and off for the last couple of months and I have yet to have any of my characters get involved in a guild. Since I am playing on the Progenitor, I think it is high time I get involved with a strong RP guild that is well established within the community, preferably with previous history and a good reputation already built around it.


As a little bit of a background about me as a player - I come from a MUD background. In case you aren't aware, that means Multi User Dimension, or any derivative thereof. I just haven't found a place for roleplay in MMO's yet, but hopefully a guild would help me consolidate that feeling into something more tangible.


I have a few requirements in any potential guild I would be willing to join. They are:

  • Must be highly RP orientated and have some substance about it.
  • It must have some prestige about it. I.e, some history and reputation on the server.
  • Has a decent population.
  • Is more PVE orienated, rather than PVP.
  • Is friendly on the whole from an out-of-character perspective.
  • Is not anal about participating in events. By that I mean, mandatory events.
  • Must be Jedi centric. Not necessarily class centric.


Anyway, my Jedi Guardian's name is Ethelind. If you could give me the names I should contact or look out for in-game if you respond then that would be great. I hope to hear from you all soon!

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