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Which buffs/debuffs stack


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(I hope I'm in the right section, doubting between this and new players help:confused:)


I've heard mixed responses and comments about which buffs would stack and which ones wouldn't. I know they all display but how many of them actually take effect if they get stacked? Say if you have 2 people in the same spec or in case of the armour debuffs if you have more than 1 class with the debuff. I personally never thought they did, but some clarification would be highly appreciated. I'm most curious about Scattershot because it costs me a GCD (once every 45 seconds but still ;))


Healing over time:

Scoundrel/Operatives; Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech and Slow Release Medpac/Kolto Probe

Sages/Sorcerer: Rejuvenate/Ressurgance


Healing buffs:

Commando/Mercanary: Kolto Residue


Armour Debuffs:

Commando/Mercanary: Grav Ground/Tracer Missle

Gunslinger/Sniper: Flourish Shot/Scatter Shot

Guardian/Juggernaut: Sundering Strike/Sundering Assault


Damage Reduction Debuffs:

Shadow/Assassin: Slow Time/Wither

Vanguard/Powertech: Ion Pule/Flame Burst and Explosive Surge/Flame Sweep


Accuracy Debuffs:

Shadow/Assassin: Force Breach/Discharge

Guardian/Juggernaut: Force Sweep/Smash


If I missed any skills and you know if they stack or not, don't hesitate to mention. Thank you in advance!

Edited by Gloomycakes
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the only debuff i know for sure that dont stack is the Armour Debuffs, only counts the higher that is applied

the Healing buffs i think they dont stack but they are reapplied or refresh

Edited by ErosGyne
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the only debuff i know for sure that dont stack is the Armour Debuffs, only counts the higher that is applied

the Healing buffs i think they dont stack but they are reapplied or refresh


think accuracy debuffs don't stack either (I mean juggs smash accuracy debuff and tank sin discharge - oil slick is different story). but could be wrong.

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think accuracy debuffs don't stack either (I mean juggs smash accuracy debuff and tank sin discharge - oil slick is different story). but could be wrong.


None of the percentage based debuffs stack: the damage debuffs (from Shadows and VGs) do not stack, the armor debuffs (from Gunslingers, Commandos, and Guardians) do not stack, nor do any of the accuracy debuffs (Riot Gas, Sweeping Winds, Force Breach, Pacify, Distraction). Only the largest debuff has an effect, but, since the damage and armor debuffs are a standard amount, this only really affects the accuracy debuffs. This means that, when you throw Riot Gas onto a target already debuffed by Force Breach, the target's accuracy will be debuffed by 30% for the duration of Riot Gas (since Riot Gas is a 30% debuff) and then back down to 5% when it ends (since Force Breach is a 5% debuff).


Back at release, they all stacked, but it was... not quite balanced. You could stack up a bunch of Guardians, Commandos, and Gunslingers and reduce a boss's armor to zero to get some pretty disgusting DPS, not to mention laughably debuff the boss's damage output. It was fixed in 1.2, iirc.

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I thought Kitru left us :o


Thank you so much for the clarification! I'll have to check out the healing sometime myself, I know the stacks scoundrels apply aren't refreshed, each scoundrels has their own buffs per target and I highly doubt they stack, but easier to test myself then all the damage/accuracy debuffs,


this community is amazing <3

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I thought Kitru left us :o


I'm sticking around until my sub runs out or the devs at least make some visible progress on fixing the state of Shadow tanks. Eric Musco *finally* commented on the issue (after, you know, 2+ months of the discussion all over the Shadow, tanking, and PTS forums coupled with full on player-side development of the tools the devs specifically said they *didn't* have to quantify and analyze spikiness), but the response doesn't inspire much confidence in me ("investigating" and "no timeline" generally mean "we weren't paying attention when you guys were doing all of your math while also ignoring all of the threads discussing; we also don't trust you to actually do math even though you've shown a remarkably tendency to actually do the math better than we can" and "if we do anything, assuming we even think it's a problem regardless of the evidence you provided, you can expect to wait at least 2-3 months").


Thank you so much for the clarification! I'll have to check out the healing sometime myself, I know the stacks scoundrels apply aren't refreshed, each scoundrels has their own buffs per target and I highly doubt they stack, but easier to test myself then all the damage/accuracy debuffs,


HoTs and DoTs both stack, independently of each other (so one Scoundrel's HoTs don't interfere with another Scoundrel's HoTs but their HoTs *will* interfere with each other by refreshing). The only effects that *don't* stack as such are explicit buffs (like the armor buff provided by Commandos and Sages as well as the increased healing received that Commandos provide). I'm not *entirely* sure about whether Commando Trauma Probe stacks like the HoTs (since I haven't run in any groups with double Commando heals), but I remember it not stacking pre-2.0.

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I can't blame you at all. I feel I drag my team down whenever I bring out my Shadow or Assassin and sometimes get a few weeps from my healers, where-as they absolutely love my less-geared Guardian, Juggernaut and Powertech... I miss my Shadow and Assassin but it doesn't look like anything will be done before next summer... If they do how-ever I hope to see your helpfull posts back on the forums. I know I said it before, but you're such a great addition to our community, we were lucky to have you.


And thank you for the clarification on the HoTs. :)

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