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[Rogue Imperial Faction] The Dread Masters


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The Dread Masters



>>>>>>>>> SMALL SPOILERS AHEAD!!! <<<<<<<<<


After the soon-to-be Dark Councilor Nox assaulted the prison world of Belsavis, it was soon radioed to the Imperial Command that the ancient Sith prophets of terror and fear known as the Dread Masters had successfully broken free from their holding cells deep in the underground Rakata ruins. Commander Calum, the officer in charge of the assault on Belsavis, originally called upon a team of powerful Sith known as the Death Stalkers to help liberate the prison world with multiple Imperial Strike teams to incite the flames of chaos in the form of a prison break, planning to free the Dread Masters in the confusion.


However, the powerful sect of Sith led by the legendary Warlord Zuhara were commanded to remain aboard their flagship, the Eradicator, at the command of Calum himself. Soon discovering that the commander had stayed the group of Sith to trust the task of freeing the Masters to a lone Sith Lord, the warlord soon erupted into an angry tirade, rooted firmly in the belief that it would be her honor to free the ancient Sith prophets. The tension began to grow as the warlord then threatened to open fire on the Imperial Fleet in orbit around Belsavis itself, promising to unleash the Death Stalkers on the small remainder of Imperial forces left in orbit much to Commander Calum's dismay. After an hour of negotiations with Zuhara, Commander Calum then managed to secure the warlord's cooperation in the Dread Masters' escape as well as his own fleet, promising that her dreadnaught would shuttle the Dread Masters out of the Belsavis system.


The events that unfolded on the Imperial dreadnaught are still clouded in mystery, as no one is sure of what transpired between the Dread Masters and the Warlord's Death Stalkers. However, once the Dread Masters departed from the Eradicator to their hidden fortress, both the Dread Masters and the Death Stalkers disappeared from the galaxy's notice, totaling in the hundreds of unaccounted Imperial forces. The only trace left of the Warlord was her Imperial dreadnaught that had seen many uncharted battles across the galaxy during the Cold War, which was found crashed into Hoth's planet surface a week after the encounter on Belsavis, joining the cold graveyard of ships without a single known casualty reported by the Imperial team sent to investigate.


Imperial records, despite the uncertainty, claim the Warlord is dead, filing the report that she was driven insane by the Dread Masters, assuming her prideful nature led to the destruction of both her and her forces at the hands of the original six. Claiming the bodies incinerated in the descent into Hoth's atmosphere, the records are undisputed with the silence of the Dread Masters and the disappearance of the Death Stalkers themselves, the radically powerful Sith soon fading away into history.


However, legend stands that the Warlord lives on, and the Death Stalkers still walk the galaxy today under a new banner. Known as the Whisper of the Warlord, Imperials stationed on the recently conquered world of Ilum tell stories of a feminine voice that calls out to them, urging them to bring forth a tribute to the empty and abandoned Fray Landing zone memorial to discover the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.


Amidst the burnt bodies and wreckage of the destroyed Republic base, legend has that those who present themselves at the burning shrine dedicated to the fallen of Fray will find the answer to the Whisper of the Warlord. And those who enter the base, never return to the outside world.


Many claim to hear the Whisper, seeking to know the answer for themselves. For those who walk the path, the answer to them is clear:


Bring forth tribute

And fear will find you again.




*OOC Information*


The Dread Masters is a new, fresh RP guild dedicated to the lore of the Dread Masters and the creation of a new faction within the RP community. We are a newly formed guild of casual players, looking for those interested in the lore of the Dread Masters and with an interest in RP to join our growing community in hopes of truly recreating the iconic Dread Guard and the six Dread Masters. As a faction opposed to both the Republic and the Empire, we also hope to build a community interested in the aspects of creating memorable adventures with other communities and perhaps the day of creating large scale wars that can be fun for both sides. All classes and levels are welcome into the membership, with the current ranks as follows:


The Dread Mistress


With the silence from the original Dread Masters after their rescue from the prison world of Belsavis, a new leader has risen in the ashes of the old. Now known as the Supreme Warlord, the Dread Mistress commands both the Masters and the infinite army known as the Dread Guard


OOC: The current GM of the guild, Zuhara, overseeing the creative direction of the officer core and growth of the guild.


Dread Master


Six masters of terror and fear. Similar to the function of the Dark Council, the six lead the new order of terror and fear against the enemies of their right of rule, commanding the Dread Guard to crush all who defy the six.


OOC: As officers to the community, the Dread Masters are the leaders responsible for the day to day functions of the guild. Mandatory requirements for uniform are in effect, and officers must comply with those dress requirements in order to serve the guild.


Dread Moff


With the power of the Dread Guard now in full force, the most gifted minds are selected by the Masters to rule as generals over the infinite army. Corrupted and twisted with the true power of the Dark Side, these men/women of warfare and combat lead the Masters' army as true terrors of the galaxy.


OOC: Similar to the rank of Dread Master, Dread Moffs are officers within the community for characters that are non-Force users. Mandatory uniforms are in effect.


Dread Guard Commander


Under the Dread Moffs, the Dread Guard Commanders lead the forces of the Dread Guard into combat, commanding squadrons to platoons of soldiers to defeat all who defy the six. Wearing the iconic visage of the Dread Masters themselves, these commanders are the first to enter the raging battles of war.


OOC: The Dread Guard Commanders are essentially the pinnacle of the membership ranks that can be obtained without becoming an officer. Rank holders are capable of holding events and RP sessions of their own design, and are essentially the RP leaders of the Dread Guard. Mandatory uniform consists of only the Dread Guard's Corrupted Mask.


Dread Guard


The infinite army of the Masters. Defectors of the Empire or the Republic, contractors, or Force sensitive acolytes wishing to master themselves make up the immeasurable army of the Dread Masters. As the force of the new order, these soldiers combat the armies of the Empire and the Republic to show the true will of the Dread Masters.


OOC: The basic rank held by members within the community. Rank advancement to this stage allows members to participate in events and help bring forth more interested members within the community. No uniform code is required for the Dread Guard rank.




Many seek acceptance into the new order of terror and fear; to join the infinite army of the Masters. But only the strong will survive, and in time, the Masters will know if you are capable of sowing the seeds of dread in the hearts of their enemies.


OOC: Starting rank for new members in the guild. In order to rank up to the Dread Guard, you must attend an initiation event hosted by the Dread Masters or the Dread Guard Commanders and become accepted into the ranks of the Order. No uniform requirements for this rank.





If you are interested in joining our ranks, please contact Zuhara, Cajun, Exchritak, Dehdoria, Hodayc, or Eshurrak directly through mail/whisper IC or OOC, or contact any member with the Dread Masters guild tag. We are currently have our own website at thedreadmasters.com as well as a page on begerencolony.org, so feel free to register an account and contacting the leadership through either website if you have problems finding us in game!


For The Masters!

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