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Aaray Azkon Fanfics


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So I thought I'd post my fics on here

It's the Bounty Hunter storyline, but I really turn it completely into my own. I mean, a companion thrown out, new companion that I created, plot twists that never happened, back stories go deeper for some examples.




The Bounty Hunter Aaray walked into the room of the Salty Sarlaac cantina, her beading Zabrak eyes that you could see in pitch black staring into the room. "This better be worth my time" She thought, she had been called in by a man named Braden and his team, to be a contender in the Great Hunt, a fight for glory and riches in an all-out battle to take out targets and other contenders. The thing is, you need to show you;re worthy to be in it, and Braden and his team were gonna help her in. The Zabrak was growing impatient until Braden finally walked in along with a young cyborg woman and a male Nikto, Aaray had always liked how the reptilian species looked, as if they could snap you in half at any second. "Welcome girlie," said Braden, he was a tall middle aged man, but look like he could strike at any moment. "as you know, we're here to help you into the great hunt, as long as we get a cut from your prizes, now meet my team, this" he gestured towards the Nikto "Is Jory, he's here to help us sort out our plans throughout the Hunt," "Greetings, feel free to make us all incredibly famous and wealthy" Said the Nikto in a rather Jovial tone. Braden chuckled and gestured towards the perky-looking cyborg "This is Mako, she's our researcher and slicer, don't let her looks fool you, she could kill you with her hand tied behind her back, keep that in mind" "Don't exaggerate Braden. Hey, I'm Mako, nice to meet ya." she said happily. "Good to be here. So, what's the plan?" replied the Bounty Hunter.


"Get straight to the point eh? Good quality in a Bounty Hunter. Your sponsor will be Nem'ro the Hutt, a gangster here on Nal Hutta." Aaray moaned, she hated it here on Nal Hutta, all swamps, she prayed during the ship ride here she would only be here for this meeting, that dream had been crumpled up and spit out right now.

"So, how long do I have to stay in this muddy hellhole?" Asked the Hunter, growing more impatient by the minute. She had no intention of staying here any longer then she had to.



"Hey!" Aaray turned, it was the cyborg girl, Mako. "This place may not be the prettiest, and it definetly doesn't smell like flowers - especially with Jory around here - But it's home." Braden chuckled and Jory rolled his eyes in embarrassment, but Aaray was impressed. At first glance, Mako looked like a shy and quiet kind of girl, not able to stand up to anybody, yet alone a person with 3 top of the line blasters at her side. But once she spoke, you could she she was feisty and tense, the two women stared at each other, and Myshone got a better look at the girl. She was in a casual red suit and had her shoulder-length black hair back in a headband, and right next to her piercing blue eyes was her cybernetics, wrapped around her eyebrow. 'I've never seen cybernetics like that' thought Aaray. Braden broke the silence. "Alright, now, the Great Hunt is gonna be unpredictable, Mako is the biggest fan of hunting and even she's unsure on what goes on in there. Every winner of the Great Hunt has gotten eternal riches and fame. That's why we're here, what do ya say?" A grin spread across the Bounty Hunter's face. "Sounds good to me, so, what's our first move?" It was Mako who answered the call. "Here's what I know so far. The Great Hunt has two groups, the Mandalorian Elites, and freelance Bounty Hunters sponsored by influential Crime Lords. We obviously have no time to make you a Mandalorian, so looks like you're getting a sponsor."


Braden chuckled "Alright Mako I got it from here. Nem'ro the Hutt controls this stink pot, I have just enough expierience with that gangster to get you an introduction." "There's a but coming on I know it." Said Aaray unhappily. "And you were right." Said Braden in a very matter-of-fact tone. "Mako, search for Hutta's bounties, we need to get our friend the slimiest most untouchable criminal on this planet." Aaray gave Braden a confused look. "Why are you getting me bounties? I thought I was meeting Nem'ro." "You are, but we need to pass you off as a big-time Hunter, so you'll need to take down some of the most wanted criminals on Nal Hutta. While you do that, Mako'll spread rumours of your off world exploits on the Holo, and me and Jory can spread it to the gangsters on break in the cantinas." Aaray rubbed her chin. "I like it, I'm glad to have you guys as my team." "Hey Hey, you're making us ALL famous and wealthy, we should be thanking YOU! Soon everybody will know the name of -what's your full name kid?" Aaray groaned, her name was in a language she didn't understand. "Aaray Gra'tua Azkon." "Has a nice ring to it, sounds like Mando'a." Myshone knew it was Mando'a, she just didn't know what it meant. Her parents had been Mandalorians until they died when she was 12 in a battle against a rival clan. "Mako, how's it goin' there babygirl?" The cyborg look extremely happy in her search: "I found something, Corellian, name is Vexx. Champion quickdraw, and wanted for robbing a BUNCH of Imperial bays."


Jory snorted in amusement. "Ha! Out of all the places to get credits, why would someone rob an Imperial Bay?" Braden rolled his eyes. "Shut up Jory, you're helping us plan strategies not them." The former Hunter turned back towards Aaray. "This Vexx is either seriously stupid but lucky or is a very nice fighter. Either way, he's dangerous, a perfect target for you." Mako smiled. "According to the research i;ve found on the holonet, Vexx has a safe house in the bad part of Hutta, over on Fa'thraa's turf. Should be fun!" Braden laughed and explained the recent events of Nal Hutta to Aaray. "Nem'ro's rival Fa'thraa took over part of this planet. It;s seriously dangerous to be poking around in there, but that'll just make you look more ******. Raid Vexx's safehouse, and look all over for something that will help us find him. Be careful we don't know what's gonna be in there." A devious grin spread across Aaray's face. "Excuse me, I have a safehouse to go shoot up." Braden grabbed her shoulder. "Wow wow wow, wait a minute Aaray. In light of our new arrangement, I think we deserve a bit of fun in the cantina. You comin' Jory, Mako?" "You should know I never turn down a fresh shot of Coruscanti Ale Braden." replied the happy Nikto in Huttese. "Nah I'm good Braden, I have a couple of things I have to check up on the Holonet." Braden frowned at the cyborg girl, but quickly got back up. "Ok then. Come on Jory let's go; You comin' Aaray?" "As good as a drink sounds right now, I need a nap, mind if I stay Mako?" The other girl smiled. "Not at all."


After the men left for the cantina, Aaray couldn't get to sleep on the stiff couches in the room, so she decided to talk. "So, how'd you end up with Braden and Jory?" The girl obviously thought the Hunter was asleep, because she jumped and turned quickly. "Oh, he found me when I was 10 on Nar Shaddaa, I was living on the street after I ran away from my abusive parents when I was 8, surviving with my friend, after Braden took me away, I never saw him again." The Bounty Hunter frowned, she felt sorry for the girl. She knew what it was like to lose someone you loved. She quickly pushed the thought of the lost loved one away and focused on Mako. "I'm sorry Mako, you've had a rough life, I've heard stories of the Shadaa streets, not a good place to be. Anything I can do for you?" Mako smiled. "No, I'm ok, I'm in a better place here, I just hope my friend made it out ok. You seem like you would have quite a tale yourself, How did you end up as a Bounty Hunter?" Right as Aaray was about to speak, Braden came in lugging Jory behind him. "Poor guy had too much to drink, fell over a Twi'lek dancer on the way out. Better get him to bed." After lugging Jory into bed, the cyborg and the human sent Aaray off to get input on Vexx's location. "I'll be back before you can say Mandalorian Enclave." With that, the Bounty Hunter left.


Hope you like them, I'd like some opinions and please be honest :)

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The young cyborg Mako was upset with her friends greatly. "But I don't wanna stay here! I wanna go out and do missions, explore -shoot things. My blaster aim is good Braden, you know it! Anything is better then just sitting around with your and our protection. No offense big guy." Jory the Nikto put down his drink. "None taken child. You're young and crave adventure." He then took another sip of his ale and spoke again."Mako, I know you want to go, but you're just not ready yet. Braden is doing this to protect you, I hope you know that."

"Bu-" Aaray the Bounty Hunter walked back into the room.



"Hey!" Said Mako. "The hotshot's back. How'd ya do?"

"Vexx left a datapad in his no-longer-safe safehouse." replied the Zabrak. "Fantastic!" Replied the cyborg. "Hand it over, I can get into it and find out it's contents." "My my," Aaray turned, it was Jory. "You so much natural skill for someone your age. I am honored to have you in the Great Hunt. How old are you anyway?" Aaray groaned, she hated people asking her age because they always treated her like a kid. "26. What were you guys doing while I was gone?" A voice shocked Aaray, it came from the back of the room. "Same as me, taking care of all the boring details so you didn't have to." Aaray smiled. "You're a good man Braden!"

Mako lit up at the sight of Braden. "Hey Braden! How did the meeting with Nem'ro go? Is Aaray gonna see him?" "I set down the basic info, but we're hardly there. What have you got?"



"I cracked the datapad our friend here got from Vexx's safehouse. Check out this last entry." "Oh dear." Said the human, with an obviously worried tone in his voice. "Our lil friend Vexx here keep detailed records. He booked a shuttle ticket, we gotta move fast." He turned to Aaray. "Only the boldest and the bravest make it into the living hell that is the Great Hunt. Vexx is a bold target, a champion gunslinger and completely ruthless. So, are you able to take down Vexx all on your lonely?" A grin spread across the Bounty Hunter's face. "I've never been more ready." "Excellent!" Mako cut him off. "I have the location of Vexx's shuttle, I'll send the coordinates to your datapad." "Thanks Mako. Hey, I know we're not in yet, but we might as well be. I can't believe i'm saying this, but I couldn't have gotten here without your guys help, hugs for old time's sake?" Braden chuckled. "This isn;t the last time we'll see each other Aaray!" Then he gave the Zabrak a warm hug. "Don't die!" Said Jory. The Zabrak giggled. "Can do big guy."

Then Mako came over and gave her a hug. "Good luck, I say that as a friend not just as a partner." "I'll be back soon, stay safe guys." The Hunter then left the room, in search for Vexx the champion gunslinger.


"Well, I'm gonna stop by the cantina, you guys ok here?" Said Mako. "Don't worry about us little one. We'll be just fine." Said the Nikto, sitting in his chair and feet up on his desk. "Stay safe out there!" Said Braden, right as Mako headed out the door.


It was a cheerful place, the Salty Sarlaac. Always people laughing having a good time, nothing holding them down. 'If only I could be like that.' thought Mako. She didn't drink, she was never one for alcohol, but she just had to get away from Jory and Braden, get somewhere to think. 'I just wish they would let me out. Jory is right. I want adventure. They know I have good aim and I'd be just fine, so why do they keep me here? If I was able to live in the streets of Nar Shaddaa when I was 8 I don't see why I can;t go out on missions with Aaray. Braden said it himself, Vexx is dangerous, Aaray could need help.'


Meanwhile, over in the depth of Fa'thraa the Hutt's turf, Aaray found Vexx, preparing for takeoff. "Who are you? You comin' to try and kill Vexx? You better go now, Vexx gonna kill you hard if you try to kill Vexx!" Said the gunslinger. 'Oh great, an overly confident target.' thought Aaray. 'Talking in the 3rd person is gonna get annoying, just shoot him.' "Vexx is a champion gunslinger! Get that? C'mon say it with me! Champ-i-on! Do I need to say it AGAIN? Vexx is a CHAMPION quickdraw gunslinger! Vexx'll kill you!" Aaray rolled her eyes, five minutes with this doof and all she heard was the same thing over and over again. While the babbling went on, Aaray took a moment to study his appearence. He was short, black, human and skinny, but looked agile nonetheless. He had slicked back brown hair so it wouldn't get in his face during combat, 'Looks like he knows some tricks.' thought Aaray. "You;re gonna die! Just back away now!" yelled Vexx. 'UGH! Enough of this crap!' thought Aaray angrily. "Enough of this jibber-jabber! Time to die!" Aaray already had her blaster out and pointed at Vexx by the time he got his out. Aaray quickly shot the blaster out of his hand and ducked behind a crate while he recovered. After taking a deep breath, Aaray took a peek over the crate. Vexx was gone. 'CRAP! Fantastic, Braden gets me a great target and I thank him by-' "GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Vexx as he jumped on top of Aaray and pinned her down on the floor, Aaray tried to wrestle him off her but Vexx had the Zabrak pinned down hard. She finally wrestled her arm out and banged Vexx in the back of the head with her blaster and knocked him unconscious. Aaray pushed the unconscious Vexx off of her and took his ID tags, they read: "Vector "Vexx" Jukal, human, 32." She took the tags and thought of her victory. 'Well done Aaray, well done indeed. Wait- did I just say Jibber-jabber?' Aaray could feel her cheeks heat up as she blushed, not that it could be seen with her blood red skin. She then headed towards their base back to Jory, Braden, and Mako. Not knowing Mako was in a cantina, only a couple blocks down.



Mako sighed. "Time to go home I guess, Aaray'll be back any minute." she whispered to herself. She headed back to the base, to find Aaray over two lifeless bodies. Jory and Braden's bodies.



"Wha-what happened?!?!?!?!?!" yelled Mako at the Bounty Hunter. "Mako!" Aaray ran to hug her, but Mako pushed her away. "I was so worried, I came back and found Jory and Braden, I thought you were gone!" Mako just stared at the bodies in shock. "The old man, is he..............?" Aaray said nothing and gave her friend a sympathetic look and reached for her shoulder. "NO! No, he, he can't be!" She rushed over to Braden's body and wept. Aaray knelt down to comfort her friend. "Mako, I-, I'm sorry, Braden and Jory were good men." Mako pulled her face up and stopped crying, she then stood up and spun on Aaray, holding her wrist in anger. "YOU! You had something to do with this!" Aaray was shocked. "Mako, I wouldn't! You know that! Why would I do this?" Mako suddenly changed expressions, her face ridden with guilt.



"I- I'm sorry, I guess I just- I know you didn't have any reason to hurt him. I just can't believe he's gone, and-" Aaray put her hand up. "It's ok, I know what you mean." Mako then looked confused. "But, if you didn;t do this, then who did?" "Do you guys have security holo's? " Mako rushed over to the holoterminal. "Yes! How did I not think of that?! The holo's been tampered with, but I can fix it." A minute later a holo came up showing Braden, Jory, and two Mandalorians. "Move and you're dead." Said the holo version of Braden. "Now, if you know what's good for you, you'll turn around, and go back nice and slow." Then one of the Mandalorians spoke, the younger one. "Don't worry old man, I DO know what;s good for me, and that's winning the Great Hunt. When I win, not one person in the galaxy will EVER forget the name of Tarro Blood. And prices for my services will be as high as the Senate Tower am I right Sedyn?" The elder one, cyborg by the looks of it with a high mohawk and goatee spoke next. "Only Alderaanian lords will be able to afford you Tarro." Braden put a furious look on his face, fire burning in his eyes. "Tarro Blood? I've heard of you. Nearly got crippled by other Mandalorians in the Great Hunt 10 years ago, put on quite the show." Blood looked surprisingly calm and exceedingly confident. "Ah, yes. An unfortunate bit of history that won't be repeated. This time I shall win, and nobody will even remember that little event. Which will be so much easier if I could just get rid of those rat-faced Boutny Hunters, and only have fellow Mandalorians as my competition. Let's go over the list shall we? The Chiss droid builder fond of explosives? Gone. Twi'lek Vibroblade master? Gone. That jsut leaves your little protege old man." Jory had never been so angry, and you could see it in his eyes he was about ot shoot to kill. "Then your quest has failed! Aaray is not here, and now your plan is revealed!" Tarro had a evil grin on his tattooed face. "You misunderstand, hardly unpredicted from a dim-witted alien such as yourself. The rules prevent contenders from killing other contenders before the Great Hunt starts. I simply eliminated them as threats, and how does one stop a charging gundark, any ideas, Sedyn?" "Blast his legs out from under him, and he can't get you." "Exactly." Replied the devious Mandalorian. "Destroy the Hunter's crew, and I'll be outside, assumingly unaware." Blood's figure then left the room. Braden was quick on his feet, but not quick enough. "Jory! Open fire!" But Sedyn already had his blaster out and shot them both.



Aaray heard Mako sniffle and went to comfort her. "That scum." She said softly. "He didn't even have the courage to kill them. He had his cohort do it! The cowardly bastard." She then walked across the room and Aaray followed. Mako put her hands on her hips. "He claimed he was Tarro Blood. He's a big shot even for a Mandalorian. When Blood started out ten years ago, he was HUGE news. Rumor is everybody united against him when he entered the Great Hunt." "So know he's making sure the cards are played in his favor." replied the Zabrak.

"If what he said was true, he's already 'partied' with some of the other competitors. He barely escaped being disqualified from the Hunt last time, he was out on his back for a LONG time." She bent down and search Jory's body. "Blood;s determined to win the Great Hunt, our best bet is to get you into that competition." "If it means finding Braden and Jory's killer, i'll tear apart the whole galaxy." said Aaray. "I appreciate that alot. Braden was practically my father. He didn't deserve this at ALL. Neither did sarcastic, greedy little Jory. There's one issue though, Braden spent all our credits getting us here. We're stuck on this damn planet. We need Nem'ro, he;'s the only Crime Boss on this stink pot with enough popularity to get you into the Great Hunt. If... Nobody knows about Braden.... I might be able to get you a meeting with Nem'ro." Aaray hugged her friend. "It'll be alright. I promise. Look." She handed her Vexx's ID tags. "Take the tags. It'll be enough for two proper burials." "I- I don't know what to say. You don;t have to do that." "Braden and Jory were friends, and good men, they deserve it." "I-, thank you. I really appreciate that. I'll find a good spot as ever on this stinkpot of a planet. We're gonna have to impress Nem'ro even more now. His enemies are floating all around Hutta, take down some leaders, and you'll score big points with the Hutt." "Can do. Come on, I think you need a drink." Mako smiled faintly and briefly, and the two walked off to the cantina.

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The cup slammed down hard onto the counter. "Another please." Said young cyborg Mako.

Aaray the Bounty Hunter chuckled. "That;s your third drink Mako! All you were saying on the way down here was that you didn't drink!" Mako sighed. "Just stressed I guess. I mean, before we found.............. the guys, I was here to think, and everybody was so free. So lively." Aaray nodded in agreement, the Bounty Hunter had always loved cantinas; you could let loose, forget your problems, have a good drink, lost every credit you had on one sabaac game and then blow what you hate left on entertainment.



"Well," Said Aaray finally. "with six drinks between the two of us, I'll bet my lucky blaster it isn't what we can afford." The Zabrak turned towards the counter. "Hey! Bill!" A Mon Calamari bartender cam over and slipped them the bill, both women's eyes popped when they saw the price. "120 CREDITS?!" they both said simultaneously. Mako put her hands up to her face. "Oh my god! As if enough hadn't happened to us today, just wanted to come down here and cheer up a bit about Braden and Jory and..... ugh. I guess they don't lie when they say the price of happiness isn't cheap." "Calm down Mako, it'll be ok. Lemme try this." She called the bartender once again. "You got ma' credits?" Said the Mon Calamari.

"Actually," replied Aaray. "I wanted to get to know you. You got a name handsome?" The bartender smiled. "Twal Tuno, and what's your name beautiful?" Aaray smiled, her plan was working. "Aaray Azkon. Say Twal, we're about 100 credits short." She put on her flirtiest face and subtly elbowed Mako to do the same. "Can you help us out?" Twal frowned, this had been pulled on him many times.

"Sure sweetie. I'll lower the price. To 119!" The bartender laughed and the girls sighed. "I can't do that." he continued. "But I will tell ya this. Couple o' dancers quit the other day and we're looking for new ones." Mako groaned and Aaray raised an eyebrow. "1: How much does it pay? 2: Do we get to keep tips? 3: What's in it for you?" Twal had a big grin on his face, the ladies were giving him quite the show. "1: 10 credits per dance. 2: Normally no, but I can pull some strings for 15% of your tips. 3: Well I get to see you two perty ladies in dancer outfits o' course!" Mako had had enough. "No. No way! No way in hell I'm dressing up and dancing for pervy gangsters!" Twal gave Aaray a look. "Um," said Aaray. "Please give me a moment to talk with my friend Twal?" The Mon Calamari nodded. "Can do. Take your time, I got a customer." Twal then turned to consult with the customer while Aaray dragged Mako into the corner.



"What are you doing?" yelled the Zabrak. Mako gave Aaray an 'I can't believe you' look. "What? You're actually considering this?" "We don't have much of a choice Mako! I don't wanna do this anymore then you do, but it's either take this job and stay innocent and get paid. OR, get sent to prison and probably end up doing the same thing as slaves for Nem'ro! And I don't particuarly think that will make him wanna sponsor us into the Great Hunt!" Mako sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. Just, the last time I did this it was awful." Realizing what she said as Aaray raised an eyebrow, Mako quickly changed the subject. "If only Jory was here. He had the odd ability to poof of credits in time like this." The Bounty Hunter hugged her friend. "It'll be ok. I miss them too."

The cyborg straightened herself up. "Let's do this." she said. They then returned to the counter and told Twal Tuno they'd take the job. "Ok girlie's." He then dissapeared into a room and returned with a blue dancer's outfit for Aaray and a pink one for Mako.

"You can change in the back." Said Twal. "But, I'll need your weapons. Don't worry. They'll be safe with me, Calamari's honor." Mako handed over her blasters and Aaray handed over hers, all except for one. Twal gave her a confused look. "Sorry Twal, sentimental reasons." Twal nodded. "Can do. Just make sure nobody sees it." He then pointed them into the back room and walked away.



As the girls changed in the backroom, Aaray had to bite. "So, what was that you said earlier about being a dancer?" She could hear her friend moan. "Me and my big mouth." she replied. "I'll tell you about that if you tell me about your 'lucky blaster' that you had to keep for 'sentimental reasons'" "Oh fine. But you first!" "Ok, Ok! Don't shoot me! One night, Jory and Braden lost every credit we had on a couple sabaac games. So I was stuck dancing to slimy perverts until we earned it back." Aaray laughed. "Good ol' Braden and Jory!" The women had finished dressing and now were jsut sitting on crates. "Ok, your turn!" "Ugh, fine! My parents were Mandalorians, and when I was 12, my dad gave me my first blaster. A month later, he died. He was killed by a member from a rival clan, he died by flamethrower. My mom died a few months later by flamethrower also, and from the same clan. So I named the blaster Flame. Then I was taken in by my aunt and uncle. It was hard ot convince then to take us, because my best friend, Miato, had been living with us since HER parents died. We had been best friend for the longest time, and when her parents died, my parents legally adopted her. My aunt and uncle didn't like Miato, but always fawned over me, so they took us in." Mako was in awe. Aaray had her scars just as she had hers. "Where is Miato now?" Twal then knocked on the door. "Come on girlie;s we got customers waitin'!" Aaray turned towards Mako. "Come on, let's go dance the night away."

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The Bounty Hunter Aaray walked into the back room of the Nexus Room cantina where Nem'ro the Hutt rested.

It was a rough spot, people were getting arrested from everything from cheating at Sabaac to just making a joke at Nem'ro's expense.

As Aaray approached Nem'ro, she could hear the Houk next to him insult her. "Look Boss, little woman come to beg for mighty Nem'ro's attention!" "Shut up Carnus!" replied the Hutt. "This 'little woman' is the Bounty Hunter who's been sweeping the scum from my streets.." Nem'ro turned to Aaray. "Pardon him, what he lacks in manners he makes up for in size. You are in the presence of Nem'ro the Hutt. Everything you see in Jigunna belongs to mine." Aaray smirked, roughly 10 minutes with Nem'ro and she had already found his weakness.



The Hutt then spoke again. "Mako says you're a famous bounty hunter from off-world. But I've never heard of you, and Mako says alot of things." This set the Zabrak into an uneased tone. "If Mako's ever lied i'm a Jedi you worm!" Nem'ro roared with laughter at the comment. "If I wasn't in such a good mood, you'd be 'escorted' out by Carnus here bounty hunter! So, tell me, why should I sponsor you?" Aaray laughed. "You simply won't find anyone better!" The Zabrak tensed, she felt as if she were being watched. Carnus smacked her back into focus. "Ha! We'll see about that!" laughed the Houk. Nam'ro gave Carnus a fierce look. "Don't you remember what happens when you interfere Carnus......?" The crime lord raised a remote and the Houk raised his hands up in fear. "Wait! No please! ACH........" Carnus fell to the floor and Nem'ro laughed. "Shock collar. Handy in my buisness." Aaray laughed as Carnus rised to his feet. "I thought Houks could take a punch!" Carnus rolled his eyes and Nem'ro roared. "You got spike, bounty hunter, insulting a Houk! I like that! But you still need to prove you're worthy." Aaray frowned, between Carnus pestering her at every chance and now learning that all the bounties she took out only gave her the ability to speak with Nem'ro, she was getting annoyed.


"I have some......... errands to be done." said Nem'ro. "You're going to do them, Zabrak." "Fair enough." replied Aaray. Nem'ro smiled. He'd be getting his chores done, and if he chose to sponsor Aaray, glory. "Evocii. Nal Hutta's native species, are rebelling against me. I want you to kill their leader, Huttsbane. I want his head on my floor! He's deep into the swamp and protected, so you'll have to kill some Evocii to get to him, you don't have a soft spot for those filthy creatures do you?"

Aaray sighed softly, she didn't like killing unless she had to, there was always a chance they had a family like she did.

"No. Send the coordinates to my datapad, my number is 12345." She turned to Carnus. "Not a word about that number, Houk." Carnus chuckled. 'Amazing, I have the same combination on my cargo hold!' thought the Houk.

"Ok." said Aaray. "I'll head to Huttsbane now, wish me luck!" "You're gonna need it." the Hutt and the Zabrak heard Carnus mutter under his breath. "Carnus!" roared Nem'ro as he raised the remote to the shock collar. Both Aaray and Carnus put their hands up, Carnus for fear and Aaray to stop Nem'ro. "Wait wait!" yelled Aaray. Nem'ro looked at her in confusion. "May I?" Aaray said with a smile. Nem'ro chuckled and handed her the remote. Carnus screamed as the shock collar did it's job. "Let that be a lesson to obey your boss, Carnus." said the Zabrak. Nem'ro roared with laughter. "I'm gonna have fun with you, Bounty Hunter!"

Carnus raised to his feet. "Ugh........ when you have that filthy Huttsbane's head, speak with Juda. She pay you." Aaray nodded. "Appreciated." The Zabrak left the room, with her trigger-finger ready and an eagerness waiting to be quenched.

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"Murderer! Filthy murderer! You slaughter the people of this village only to reach me! Will you kill all the women and children as well?!" Aaray rolled her eyes. "No, just you." she said. "Halt." said a voice. Aaray turned, another Evocii approached them from the corner. Aaray's brows furrowed. How has she not seen him before? "This does not have to end in bloodshed. Let us solve this in a calm and peaceful manner." said the mysterious Evocii.

"Save your breath spirit healer." replied Huttsbane. The two Evocii were an odd sight, the spirit healer wore a long yellow robe, a plaid orange and brown plaid scarf around his shoulders and chest, and a vibroblade on his back. Huttsbane had a white eyepatch on his left eye along with the same scarf as the spirit healer. "This brute is going to kill us and all that we love!" yelled Huttsbane.

The spirit healer turned to Aaray. "Is this true, young one?" "Didn't you hear anything while you were in the corner?" replied the Zabrak, growing more confused by the minute. "No. I was meditating. It clears the conscience and frees the soul. Now, is it true?" Aaray shook her head. "Of course not!" she yelled, a little too loudly. "I need his head." she gestured towards Huttsbane. "I don't want to hurt your people. A man cheated me out and killed my friends so he could win a competition, killing eyepatch here will get me into that competition so I can get revenge." The spirit healer let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "I do not approve of your idea of revenge young one, but if it will spare the good people of this village, we have no choice." He turned to Huttsbane. "Huttsbane, dear friend, if you wish to continue the rebellion of this village, you will sacrifice yourself." Before Aaray could tell the two Evocii that she had no intention of hurting any of their people, Huttsbane started yelling. "No! Nal Hutta was ours until the Hutts took it from us! I will NOT give them the pleasure of my death! We WILL take back Nal Hutta!" Aaray rolled her eyes. 'They wonder why Nal Hutta was taken from them so easily, over confident much?' she thought. The spirit healer let out a heavy sigh. "Then I'm sorry my friend, you leave me no choice." With that, he took out his vibroblade, and stabbed Huttsbane.




Aaray looked up at the Evocii in shock and awe. "These people must survive. Even if we lose the fight to take back Nal Hutta, this village must stand strong. Nal Hutta has become a rough place to live for Evocii, they have nowhere else to go." He knelt down and took a ring off of Huttsbane's finger. He then rised, grabbed Aaray's wrist, opened her fist, and placed the ring on her palm. "Take it. A trophy." said the spirit healer. "Wh-why?" replied Aaray, still in shock and confusion. "Because you are different from the others. You do not kill simply for the pleasure of killing. You do not find us revolting just because we look the way we do. You are a diamond in the rough." The Zabrak simply nodded, she didn't know what to say. "Go." said the spirit healer. "Take his head." He handed her a hunting knife.

Aaray knelt down and put on the gloves she brought with her, then started the process of decapitating the corpse. It was a gruesome process, blood splattering all over Aaray. 'Thank the stars I'm not afraid of blood.' thought Aaray. 'Doesn't look like the spirit healers doing all that well though.' It was true, by the look on his face you could tell he was having a hard time keeping himself sewn together. After several minutes the process was done and Aaray put the head in a sack and headed out the door. "Hunter." called the Evocii as Aaray was just out the door.

Aaray turned to face him. He bowed to the bounty hunter and gave her a solemn look. "I hope you avenge your friends." "Thank you." whispered Aaray in response. As the Spirit healer turned away, it was her turn to call him. "Spirit healer?" "Hmm?" "When you came out, you said meditation clears the conscience, dare I ask what you need clearing of?" He gave Aaray a solemn look. "Huttsbane is not the only to bloody this weapon young one."

Aaray nodded and fled the village.


At a taxi, Aaray looked down at the ring the spirit healer had given her. It was gold, with a blood red diamond in the middle. It made her curious. "Destination?" said the taxi droid. "Nem'ro's palace. Hurry." "Will do master. I shall set the coordinates and your taxi will automatically take you there." "Thank you." replied Aaray.


Dozens of thoughts mixing through her head during the taxi ride, Aaray just sort of drifted off. Until her holocom buzzed at her pant pocket. "Come on..........." grunted the Zabrak. She finally pulled the holocom out of her pocket and turned it on. "Hey girl," said a holographic Mako.

"Hey Mako, im on a speeder to Nem'ro's, so I may be spotty." replied Aaray. "Oh. I'll make this quick then." said the cyborg. "I dug up everything I could on Tarro Blood, after he was disqualified, he was the talk of the galaxy. Everybody was talking about him, no Mandalorian in their right mind would stay away from him so their honor wouldn't be stained." "Wow, that bad?"

"Yeah, insane right? Anyway, he told lies saying that he had reasons for cheating." Aaray smirked and couldn't help but chuckle. "You mean like, I don't know............ winning?" Mako laughed. "Besides that, he claimed he did it for romantic reasons." Aaray's eyes widened. "What woman would have a romantic relationship with him?"

"Guess for his looks, then she saw what he was like. Blood claimed that he entered the Great Hunt to impress his ex-lover and win her back, so he cheated to assure his victory." "Think she was impressed?" joked Aaray. "Very funny. He said her name was Thendys Nooris, and no one's heard of her." Aaray's brows furrowed, Tarro was just getting weirder and weirder. "I MAY be crazy, but after he cheated and whatever caused them to break up, I'm not sure entering the Hunt again and doing the same thing would impress her." Mako shrugged.

"Guess he wanted to regain his honor or something." "I don't know what else it'd be." replied the Zabrak. "By the way, what was that you said about you guessing Nooris would go for him because of his looks?" Aaray said with a grin. "I- Ugh I hate you. As much as I hate the guy, can't deny is not bad to look at." "Ah, kiss and kill for you?"

The slicer quickly changed the subject as she saw a grin spread across Aaray's face." I forgot to tell you, I was walking around today, and I found this bone faced creep following me around." "Hmmmm, Kaleesh?" "I guess." "I've had some chiss girl following me around too....." "Weird, think they're together?" asked the slicer. "I don't think so, best keep an eye out though." "Will do. Oh, I found a place to bury, um, Braden and Jory. I know you'd probably want to relax, and I'm sorry, but I was thinking that if Nem'ro lets you have a breather we could bury them later." Aaray gave her friend a solemn look. "Of course, I Braden and Jory are a little more important then me being able to sit around in the cantina keeping up on the latest Nal Hutta gossip." Mako smiled. but the smile only stayed a moment as it changed to a look that purely said 'Oh my gosh!'. "I forgot!" she explained. "I found out something about Nem'ro, apparently-" The holo fizzled. "Apparently-"said a very hard-to-understand Mako. The screen fixxled again, then went dead. Aaray swore fiercely, one of her biggest pet peeves was this, losing connection in the middle of a conversation.


She spent the rest of the ride thinking about Huttbane's ring and the spirit healer. The spirit healer had called her a diamond in the rough. 'Suppose he means from gangsters.' thought Aaray, for she didn't see how she could be special in any way. About twenty minutes after the disconnection with Mako, Aaray reached Nem'ro's palace. The Zabrak headed toward the back to Nem'ro's spot, but was halted by a Mon Calamari. "Aaray........ I wanted to talk to ya...." Aaray turned, it was her boss, Twal Tuno. 'Dammit!' thought Aaray.'It's already hard enough finding a spot for me and Mako to sleep at night, then there's Nem'ro and the sponsorship, and on top of all that crap we have to dance for pervy gangsters just to get a meal down our throats until Nem'ro pays for it when he sponsors me. I don't know why we even need a place to sleep at night, we never get to sleep!'

"Yeah, Twal?" said Aaray, finding it diffucult to keep the annoyance out of her voice. It wasn't that she didn't like Twal, he was a good guy, it was the job she hated. "I got a load o' customers bookin' dancers this evenin', I wanted to confirm you and Mako'll be comin' t'nite."

'CRAP!' thought Aaray, thanking her skin was red so her anger wouldn't show. 'I forgot it was a work night! I'm busy doing Nem'ro's 'errands'!' "Yeah, uh, give me a minute to make sure Mako's alright with it." She then ran off into the corner and turned on the holocom. A holographic Mako popped up only moments later. "What's up?" asked the cyborg. "Mako," said Aaray. "Twal has alot of people booking dancers, but I have Nem'ro and the sponsorship to take care of, can you handle it?" Mako groaned. "Fine." "Hey Mako, where'd ya go girl?!" yelled a voice. Aaray couldnt help a smug smile. "Couldn't have Tarro so you settle for him eh?" Mako frowned.

"Ugh, I'm never going to live that down.........Fine, I was doing a little flirting, I'm sorry I feel so bad. You're out there risking your neck and i'm sitting here on my ***-" "Mako, Mako, it's ok. You're stressed, flirt a little, it's ok." "You sure?" "If it wasn't I'd say." Without waiting for a response, she clicked off the holocom. Aaray ran back, told Twal that Mako would be there, and headed off to Nem'ro.


"The mighty Huttsbane's head on my floor!" roared Nem'ro. "That will teach people not to mess with Nem'ro the Hutt! I must admit bounty hunter, I had not expected you to succeed as well as you did." Aaray grinned. She loved it when she outdid herself, especially when her client underestimated her. "Never expect anything but the best from me." she replied.

"I'll remember you saying that for the first time you fail." snapped the Hutt. "Now, your next target is a man named Yalt, he was a worker of mine until he betrayed me and went to work for Fa'athra. I want you to-" "Lemme guess." said Aaray. "His head. On the floor. Right?" Nem'ro roared with laughter and Carnus smirked. "You know me so well bounty hunter!" laughed the Hutt. "Yes. I want his head on the floor. But not mine." Aaray's brows furrowed. "Then who's?" she replied. "Yalt's wife works in the cantina. I want you to take Yalt's head to her." Aaray gave Nem'ro a fierce look with her piercing orange Zabrak eyes. "That's not what I do Nem'ro!" she said, perhaps too loudly. "No, it's not." explained Nem'ro. "But it's what you will do. If you want me to sponsor you, that is." Aaray moaned.

She really didn't want to do this.



Aaray only spoke when spoken to the rest of the conversation. She was relieved beyond belief when it was over. She practically ran for the door just so she could trudge through the swamp, fiend off Fa'athra's thugs and get this over with.

"Wait." said a husky voice. Aaray turned. It was Carnus, looking up at Nem'ro. "Permission to speak, master?" "Granted." replied the Hutt. Carnus turned back to the Zabrak. "Bounty hunter -Aaray, correct?- I underestimated you. You outdid yourself, I should not have said the things I said before. I applaud you." Aaray blinked. Then simply stared. She had never seen a Houk with manners........... or good grammar.

"I hate to break up the lovebirds, but Aaray had to go retrieve a traitor's head." said Nem'ro, breakig Aaray's thoughts. Both she and Carnus rolled their eyes in annoyance and the cheeziness of Nem'ro. "Collect your pay for Huttsbane's bounty from Juda on the way out." explained Carnus. "Appreciated." replied the Zabrak. 'Things just keep getting weirder on Nal Hutta, it makes me hate it even more, and I didn't think that was possible.' thought Aaray as she headed out.


"Here you go. One-hundred fifty credits for the bounty of Huttsbane." said Juda. 'She's quite a perky twi'lek.I've never seen a slave so joyful' thought Aaray. It was true, Juda was an awfully bubbly person. "I heard some healer ran from the house they found Huttsbane's body in. He ran out shortly after you did, weird huh?" explained the twi'lek. "Where did he run to?" asked Aaray, growing worried. Juda shrugged. "Nobody knows. But my guess is he ran because he couldn't face the people. Because he couldn't help Huttsbane. Coward." Juda shook her head in dissaproval, her spotted green lekku swinging back and forth. "He wasn't in the house with you, was he?" asked Juda. "No, of course not." replied th Zabrak, perhaps too quickly. Juda raised an eyebrow.

Yes, too quickly.

Aaray sighed. "Can I trust you?" Juda nodded suspiciously. "Ok." said Aaray. "He was in the house, he was meditating or something. I killed Huttsbane and ran out, he creeped me out so I just stayed away." lied the Zabrak. She touched her curious ring, wondering why the spirit healer would have run away. "Well," replied the Twi'lek. "That explains why he would run away, if you snuck out and nobody saw you, all signs would point to him." Aaray nodded.'It says alot I lie this well from practice.' she thought."Well, I have to go." said the Zabrak. "Good luck!"she head Juda yell to her. 'Come on, it's gonna be a long day.' thought Aaray as she trudged out into the swamp.

Edited by Black_Angel_BR
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'By the stars, whoever that is they sure are hitting them hard.......' thought an elderly cyborg named Yalt while hiding behind a crate in his warehouse. He shuffled further into the corner as more blaster shots fired just outside the door. The sound of blaster fire and groaning was becoming too much for him. 'It's Nem'ro, he's sent someone to kill me.' thought the cyborg. 'But Fa'athra offered me so many credits.........' It was true, Yalt used to work for Nem'ro the Hutt, Fa'athra the Hutt's rival. Fa'athra managed to put spies -very few- and the spy thought Fa'athra could use Yalt, and Fa'athra offered him double the credits Nem'ro was paying. Sine, Yalt has been expecting Nem'ro to send someone to kill him. Yalt tensed, the blaster fire had stopped and he could hear someone's boots crunching on the dirt, the sound growing louder as they neared closer. Yalt looked over the crate, and a moment later a young woman entered the room. She scanned the room with her eyes and found Yalt. "Oh, hello."


Aaray's boots kicked the dirt as she walked across Fa'athra's small base. There were dead bodies littered everywhere, and no sign of the killer. Aaray took out her blaster, ready to shoot. The Zabrak looked around, blaster pointed in the same direction as her eyes. "Please............." said a voice. Aaray turned to the direction she heard the voice.

It was coming from behind a large wooden box busting to the brim with rations. Twenty-five yards away, Aaray ran over as fast as she could and pushed away the crate. She gasped, the man's nose was bleeding, and two blaster shots in the stomach and one in the leg, even worse, the man was the spirit healer.



"Please..... please don't kill me.... I don't want to die!" begged Yalt. The woman had him kneel down in front of her and now had a blaster at his head."Don't worry old man, I'll make it quick." she said. "But not now, right now i'd rather have you live in fear." The woman cackled. Yalt took a moment to look at his cause of death. The Chiss was short, light blue, and petite.

More like an alien-next-door then a killer, but once she had a weapon at her side, you could see she was skilled and not afraid to use it."With Nem'ro's bounty on you, not only will I get paid well, but I'll have a shot into the Great Hunt!" she explained. "Not to mention the off-world bounty on that Zabrak *****!" she cackled. Yalt just stared in fear with his cybernetic eyes. After several minutes, Yalt finally realized the only way to live was to run for it.

The Chiss conducted many tortures before Yalt found out a way to get out. She ripped off two of his fingernails with pliers, used duct tape and ripped off one of his eyebrows, and other gruesome things. Yalt was weak now, his old heart couldn't take one more torture, but thankfully the chiss decided to stop. She had spotted a box full of rations. "Ah, all this torturing has made me hungry." She then walked off to the box, on the other side of the room. She had tied up Yalt's hands, but not his feet.

He slowly and painfully crawled toward the door, with the stunning simularity of an inchworm. The door was mostly closed. Yalt checked to see if she was still at the box, she was still digging through it looking for something to eat, her back toward him. The cyborg got up on his knees and reached up for the doorknob, reached it and turned it. He was free. He slowly swung the door open, and it made a small squeak. Yalt tensed and turned quickly to see if she heard him.

She did.

The Chiss was on the cyborg faster then Yalt could even blink. She pushed him and threw him onto the floor. She took out a blaster and put it to his head. "You shouldn't of done that."


"Spirit healer..........." was all Aaray could mutter. She gripped his hand, slowly pulled out the bullets, and used her entire jar of kolto gel. Nothing worked, she gave him CPR, and he revived. "Young one-" he coughed, and spit up blood. "chiss......""What Chiss?" "I am Force Sensitive, I watched you, made sure you were safe. I heard you....... while on your speeder ride.... the Chiss...I found her.... saw that she was coming here..... wanted to stop her. She did this to me. Young one... she is here. She is working with a Mandalorian....I don't know the name.... beware....." His body then went weak and his head fell back. Aaray felt his pulse, it was gone. She pulled down his eyelids, and laid his body down. 'Tarro. Tarro's sent a stalker after me, and the stalker killed the spirit healer. That man WILL die.' thought the Zabrak.

Lost in her thoughts, she thought of the multiple ways to end Tarro's life, until she heard a door slam. She grabbed her blaster and turned in a flash. The slammed door came from an old warehouse around two-hundred fifty yards away. She ran for it, blaster out. 'She'll pay for this.' she thought, by now she had forgot about Yalt, and Nem'ro, and everything. She wanted blood. Tarro's blood. She slowed as she reached the warehouse. The Zabrak heard voices, on harsh the other weak. "You're going to regret that, Yalt." said a harsh voice. 'SH*T!' thought Aaray. 'I forgot about Yalt!' "Please, hav'ent you tortured me enough?" replied Yalt, obviously in pain. 'She is so dead.'


"I'm going to use the worst torture on you old man, but not enough to kill you, just enough to let you live and wallow in your misery. Heh, won't that-" "You know, it's very rude to disrespect the elderly." said a voice. said a voice. The Chiss turned, to see a Zabrak woman at the doorway, blaster pointed at her. "Ha, dreadfully sorry." replied the Chiss.

"What's your name?" asked the Zabrak. "Kimsi, not that you have any right to know." she snapped in reply. "Aaray," replied the Zabrak. "Nice to finally meet my stalker." Blaster still pointed at Kimsi, Aaray walked over to Yalt, and saw how bad his wounds really were. "What the hEll did you do to him?" she snapped at the Chiss. Kimsi laughed. "Go ahead old man, tell her about my generous hospitality!" Yalt simply shivered and stared at Aaray.

"Tell her!" yelled Kimsi. She kicked Yalt and he moaned with pain. "Sh-she ripped off two of my fingernails with pliers, took off one of my eyebrows with duct tape, singed my hair with a blowtorch and other things I can't even describe." Aaray was almost positive her jaw dropped slightly. She knelt down and looked into the man's cybernetic eyes. "It'll be ok, I'm here to help." A small smile creeped onto Yalt's face. 'It's not entirely true, but I've been racking my brain on how to do this without killing him anyway.' thought the Zabrak.

"You're not helping anybody." said Kimsi. Yalt's smile dissapeared. "Wanna bet?" said Aaray sarcastically. "Nah, my mother taught me to never gamble. Although, considering you'd challenge me on, looks like Tarro was right about you being crazy."Aaray threw her a fierce look. "Tarro can go to h*ll." she snapped. "This one time, I'll kill for free." Kimsi chuckled. "You'll try." "Yalt! Get back!" Aaray kicked the man as soft as she could and pushed a crate in front of him for cover.



Aaray took cover behind a crate of her own. 'Why are there so many damn crates here?!?!' she thought. Aaray shot at Kimsi, who swung to the side. "Ha, for your reputation, I thought you'd have better aim Azkon!" she laughed. "You haven't seen the half of me." replied the Zabrak. Aaray felt a breeze and heard a buzzing sound by her ear. A blaster bullet has hit her hair. "OOPS. Sorry!" said Kimsi sarcastically."You really have to learn you place, Chiss." Aaray cocked Flame once again, and headed for Kimsi.

The Zabrak felt confident, that is until she tripped over yet another god damn crate. Kimsi roared with laughter."Oh, yes! I've definetly learned my lesson now!" she laughed. Aaray just ignored her, rised her feet, and lifted the wooden crate above her head. "I'VE HAD IT WITH THESE F**KING CRATES!" she yelled. With that, Aaray smashed the wooden crate hard on Kimsi's head, the crate breaking apart as it connected with the Chiss's head. Kimsi fell to the floor. "AH!" You a** hole!" she snapped. Kimsi reached for her blaster and pointed it at Aaray. The Zabrak simply shot the blaster and it knocked out of Kimsi's hand. Aaray knelt down so she could look to her eye to eye. "You're a slow learner." was all she said. Kimi chuckled. "Just. Die." said the Chiss. She then took out a vibroknife from her pocket and stabbed Aaray right above the heart.



Aaray could feel the knife go through her flesh as if it were a giant bee sting. "Nice, you're actually doing what you were told." she heard Kimsi say. She then fell unconscious.

Aaray saw a bright light, and saw a dark figure at the end of the light.The figure spoke, in the voice of the spirit healer. "It's not your time." it said.


Aaray awoke with a start. She was alive, barely, but alive. Everything looked blurry, the Zabrak felt faint still. She saw Kimsi head towards Yalt and she knew she had to keep fighting. She couldn't die like this, killed by Tarro's hired gun. She had to live. For Yalt. For the spirit healer. For Mako, she promised her they' kill Tarro together. Aaray wanted to fulfill that promise more then ever.

She creeped over to Flame ad grabbed it. She thought of her parents, every night since they died, she swore to herself every night she would find the ba*tard that killed them and avenge them. She lifted the blaster weakly. "Now to take care of you!" snapped Kimsi towards Yalt. 'My time has come. I love you Vinieta. Rest in peace my Zabrak friend, and thank you for trying to save my old heart.' thought the cyborg. Aaray cocked flame, just as Kimsi was about to pull the trigger on Yalt. Kimsi turned. "Are you till trying to win? You call me a slow learner." Yalt's jaw dropped. He had thought her dead. "Sigh. One pest at a time." said the Chiss. With that, she put the blaster to the bottom of Yalt's chin. "Sorry old man, wait, not really." Kimsi pulled the trigger, and a moment later Yalt's head fell back, exposing the bleeding bullet hole under his chin. "No!" Aaray managed to moan. Kimsi laughed. "Your turn." She walked over and knelt down in front o the Zabrak lying on the floor; then plucked Flame from her hands. "I think I'd have more satisfaction to kill you with your own blaster." she said. She cocked Flame and raised it to Aaray's chin. Th Zabrak raised her right arm weakly, and ripped the vibroknife from where Kimsi had stabbed her. Seeing what she was doing, Kimsi shot Aaray's left arm. Aaray twitched, but didn't stop. The Bounty Hunter lifted the vibroknife and stabbed Kimsi in the stomach. "Don't touch my father's blaster." said Aaray. Aaray was able to take Flame from the dead Rodian's hand and put it back in her sheath. "That's for killing my friend you b*tch." she said. Aaray fell unconscious, but this time, she didn't wake up.













She was revived.

Aaray awoke in a kolto tank, in a room she didn't recognize.She waded around in the tank, she then spotted a man polishing a blaster in one corner of the room Aaray knocked on the glass of the kolto tank. The man turned, and saw her. He waltzed over to the tank and set her free. The Zabrak reached for her blaster, it was gone. She then saw what she was wearing: a casual black suit. She grabbed the man by his shirt. "Where are my weapon and armor, ad who the hell are you?" she snapped. 'Wheres Flame?' she thought to herself. the man pushed her away. "Calm down. I'm Ekro, this morning I found you at one of the bases in the swamp, along with a dead chiss and a worker.So I brought you here and fixed you up." he explained.'Dead chiss..............?' thought Aaray, her eyes bugged out of her head as she remembered the events of the previous day. She pulled the sleeve on her left arm up, to reveal the scar of a bullet wound. "Yeah," said Ekro. "Look at this." Aaray grabbed his wrist as he reached for the zipper on her suit. "Don't worry." he said. He pulled the zipper down, but only low enough to reveal a scar that had been left from Kimsi stabbing her. "Th-thank you. For saving me." said Aaray. "No thanks needed, it's what I do." "Rescue dying women from random warehouses?" Ekro laughed. "No, I'm a medic. Not bad with a blaster either. Fa'athra heard there was an attack on one of the bases, so I headed down to help the wounded, only you were alive. I figured you attacked it, but I told Fa'athra it was the chiss." "Wow, know a guy for two minutes and you already owe him alot." Ekro chuckled once again. "You owe me nothing. I enjoy being a medic, but I must admit, I'd prefer it if all my patients were as pretty as you." Aaray gave a smug smile.She looked him up and down, the human was wearing a casual suit and had brown hair and blue eyes, he didn't look like a medic. "Well, if i'd ever have to be rescued again, i'd like it to be someone as good looking as you." she flirted. She then saw the symbol on the lags that hung from the ceiling. Fa'athra's symbol. Then she remembered he had said Fa'athra heard about an attack on one of the bases. "Where am I?" asked Aaray. "Oh, pardon me." said the human."Welcome my dear, to your new home, Fa'athra's palace. I hope to keep you company."

Edited by Black_Angel_BR
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""Mmm......" said Mako as she nuzzled into her companion's chest. "Who was that girl on the holocom the other day Mako?" he asked. Mako looked up at him, it was a VERY unexpected question. "Just my friend, why are you asking Kelom?" Kelom. She loved that name.

Mako met him in the cantina, when Twal had called her in to get her dancing outfit. She grabbed a drink and literally bumped into Kelom on the way out, her drink spilling all over her. After cleaning up and alot of apologizing, the two spent the night simply talking in one of the cantina booths. Now here they were, back at Aaray & Mako's home. Mako knew it sounded stupid considering she'd known him for a short time, but she liked him alot. He was charming and funny, not to mention cute. Black hair, brown eyes and his cybernetics on his chin. She didn't however, want to tell him about the Great Hunt yet though.

Kolem shrugged. "Just wondering" he said as he pushed her off of him and pulled her close. "Whoever it was was keeping me away from you........" he then leaned in and kissed her. It was intense and playful. Mako pushed him into the corner of the couch they were sitting in, enjoying herself. Kolem bit her lip, he was teasing her, and Mako liked it. The slicer decided to take a risk and pressed herself against him.

She yelped and backed away from him. "What's wrong?" asked Kolem with furrowed brows.

"Felt something really cold, have any metal on you?" asked Mako. Kolem stood up and searched his personnel, "Aha." he said as he pulled a holocom off of his side. He tossed it onto a nearby table and pulled Mako back onto the couch. Wrapped up in each other, neither of them noticed the holo button had been pressed on the holocom, and someone was coming through the frequency. "Ah Kolem. I trust you..... oh." said a voice from the holocom.

Both Mako and Kolem's eyes popped open. They seperated from each other, out of breath, then looked at the holocom. Mako's eyes popped out of her skull and all color drained from Kolem's face as they saw who they had accidently called. "Damn Mako, if I had known you were that much of a party, I wouldn't have had to pay Kolem half as much." said a sarcastic holo of none other then Tarro Blood.



Aaray sank onto the couch Ekro had been sitting in. "I'm a SLAVE for Fa'athra?" Ekro knelt down in front of her and held her hand between both of his. "Look," he said. "I'm a slave too. I hate the worm. Giving him to you as a slave was the only way I could keep him from killing you." 'Because being a slave girl is so much better then dying..............' thought Aaray to herself. She looked up at the man. "Why are you so bent on me living?" she asked. Ekro flushed crimson. "Well-I-um..... I-" Aaray put her hand up on her mouth to stop him and laughed. "It's ok." she said with a smile. Ekro's blushed lightened, but didn't go away.

"Oh!" he said. He reached to his side and took tags off of his belt. "Here are your ID Tags." Aaray took them from him and clipped them to her side. "Thanks." replied the Zabrak. "I can't be a slave for Fa'athra." she said. Ekro got up and sat down next to her. "Don't worry. We're gonna bust out of here." Aaray gave the man a curious look. "We?" she said. "I know more medical info then anybody in the Mid Rim. Plus, everybody here trusts me and in the years of being a slave, I've learned to know this place like the back of my hand. I can get us both unlocked from Fa'athra'a ball and chain!" The Zabrak's confused look stayed on her face.

"Why haven't you escaped before, then?" she asked. Ekro sighed. "I am good with a blaster, but not good enough to take out Fa'athra's men and not good enough in plans to create a strategy to get out of here. I know your reputation Aaray, with you, we can get out." Aaray tensed when she said her name, but tried not to show it. She trusted him, but she could see the holes in his plan. "I have a slicer friend, she can help us plan this out. Gonna take a little while to perfect though." she said. She had no doubts of Mako's skills. Ekro moved toward her and wrapped an arm around her. "A little while with you?" he said. "I don't mind." "You're lucky I'm tired." replied Aaray. "Everybody's tired after being in a kolto tank sweetheart, head to dreamland." He reached over the side of the couch and grabbed a red blanket.

Ekro shifted his wait so Aaray lay on him Emotionally it made Aaray uncomfortable, but she knew he wouldn't budge and was too tired to argue. "Night beautiful." was the last thing she heard.


Mako glared at Kolem, rage in her eyes. "You work for him?" she snapped. The slicer pulled her blaster from her side and pointed it at Kolem, who put his hands up in front of himself. "Mako, let me explain." he said in desperation. "Oh, there's really nothing to explain." said Tarro. "You already busted me, i might as well tell you just so you know who you're dealing with. My dear, I paid Kolem here to get close enough to you so he could kill you. I like his tactics too, would've worked on your zabrak friend I bet." the thought of Aaray being stupid enough to fall for this like she did was something Mako couldn't picture. Mako threw her blaster on the couch and grabbed Kolem's hands so he couldn't try anything, and searched him. She found a vibroknife in his boot. Mako took the pleasure of tracing his jawline with the end of the blade. when she backed away, Kolem showed more sign of desperation then ever. "Mako, it was just a job at first, but then I got to know you, and I like you alot." he said, blood driplets dropping from his jaw as he spoke. Mako's fierce look stayed on her face, there was nothing but hollowness in his words. "You're a BAD liar." she said, she grabbed her blaster from the couch, and as Kolem reached to stop her, she put a blaster bolt in his forehead. Kolem fell down dead.


After taking a moment to process what she'd done, Mako knelt down in front of the table so she could see Tarro eye-to-eye. "Listen here Blood;" she said. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you better hope that mandalorian armor does it's job. When i get my hands on you, I swear you're not getting a blaster bolt to the head. trust me when I say me and my friend will beat you to a bloody pulp." Tarro put his hand on his chest and made a face that showed false fear. "I'm shaking in my boots. Good luck with that girlie. Oh, you might want to get dear Kolem off the floor, blood stains are nasty to get out of carpet." he then hung up.

Mako sank onto the couch and shook her head in frustration. 'I WILL kill that man.' she thought. She started to wonder if she could trust anyone besides Aaray anymore, or if she ever could trust anybody.

Braden always seemed to shelter her from danger, making her stick to the computers and datapads. Him and Jory would take her out to shoot bestiary on whatever planet they were on, but she rarely ever got the chance to fight weapons instead of claws and fangs. Now she'd lost Braden and Jory, she was a dancer in a cantina, and so many other things. Her life had been flipped upside down and changes were happening faster then she could react. She just felt like she was going to explo- "Gah!" yelled Mako as she plunged the bloody vibroknife into the wall. she leaned her head against the wall in frustration, her grip still on the knife. The cyborg ripped the vibroknife from the wall and set it down on the table next to the holocom.



Aaray awoke from her slumber to find herself still laying on Ekro. "Hey sleeping beauty, how's ya sleep?" he asked. "Good," said Aaray. "Until I had this dream i was captured by the enemy and the medic kept flirting with me." she added with a smirk. Ekro made a face that showed false hurt. "Don't be like that." Aaray rised, shivering. "You cold?" Ekro asked. Aaray shook her head. Ekro ignored it and gave her his orange leather jacket. Aaray slipped it on reluctantly. "Go in there." he pointed towards a room near the kolto tank that seemed to be filled medical supplies.

"You can call your friend in there, privacy and no security holos." Aaray looked at him in confusion. "Won't Fa'athra know we're hatching an escape plan with the security holos in here?" she asked. Ekro shook his head. "Nah. No holos in my kingdom, part of my conditions." As curious as Aaray was on why he was aloud to have conditions, she headed towards the room.

As she started to close the door behind her, there was a knock on the other door. Both Aaray and Ekro froze in their placed. "Hide behind the kolto tank." whispered Ekro out of the corner of his mouth. "Why not in here?" Aaray whispered back. "They'll hear the door close. Behind the kolto tank. Now." Aaray knew this wasn't a time to argue. She ran as swiftly as she could behind the kolto tank, like a bat flying through the night. "Coming!" yelled Ekro as he ran for the door. He opened it and before him was a tall man with light brown hair and tanned skin.

"Hello little brother." said the stranger. "She here?" he asked. the man wore a white shirt, brown boots, a red leather vest and black pants that were ripped at the knee. Aaray watched from behind the kolto tank and a box filled with rations. "Yeah, she's here. Come on out aaray." said Ekro. Aaray hesitated, but Ekro sent a reassuring look her way. The Zabrak emerged from her hiding spot and walked over to the pair of men. "Hey beautiful." flirted the stranger. "You the princess my brother here rescued from the tower?" "Back off Timsin, she's mine."said Ekro. Aaray rolled her eyes. "This isn't a fairytale, just because you saved me doesn't mean I'm going to automatically start kissing you." she cut in.

"What if I say please?" asked Timsin. Aaray's hand cracked as she slapped his face. "Ow." said Timsin as he rubbed his cheek. "I'll stick to the fairytales then.' Aaray looked at her hand. "Yeah, and your thick skull made me break a nail. "Cute." he snorted. Ekro laughed. "Ok, let's introduce you two." he said. "Aaray, this is my brother Timsin, he works on Nem'ro's speeders and droids, he shows his weak side by playing music sometimes. Timsin, this is Aaray, the princess I rescued from the tower." Aaray elbowed him in the gut and he groaned in pain. Both Aaray and Timsin laughed. Ekro rubbed his side and looked at his brother. "You been working on Ol' Kitty?" he asked, looking at his brother's hands covered in dry oil. "Kitty?" Aaray interrupted. "She's the land speeder I've been working on for about 6 months now. almost finished, but not good enough to ride." Timsin answered. "So speeders aren't just a job for you?" asked the Zabrak. "Yeah, it's what i've always done. Always been good at tinkering with gears and wires ever since i was little, kinda like my little brother here and his medsacks." "Medpac." Ekro corrected. "Whatever." Said Timsin with a roll of his eyes. Aaray suddenly snapped back into reality and remembered where she was. "What's my work here?" she asked the men. the two brothers looked at each other. "You're um, one of the girls yous see sitting next to the Hutt in skimpy outifts........." Ekro explained. Aaray's eyes practically popped out of her head. "You've got to be kidding.........." she said. "Nope, we're serious, so you better hurry and get on your costume!" said Timsin with an eager look. Aaray and Ekro ignored him. "Look, aaray. I know that that job is awful. But, whenever someone comes to meet with Fa'athra and discuss buisness, you'll be right next to him listening in on the conversation, brownie points from Nem'ro for Fa'athra's inside information." Ekro said. Aaray sighed, she knew he was right. "Fine." she said.


Aaray didn't know whether or not she was happy with her new work. "You're lucky I trust you Ekro." she told the medic. "Why trust me so quick? Because I healed you? How naive." asked the human. Aaray shook her head. "You could've left me for dead, you didn't. You could've claimed my many many bounties, you didn't. You could've had me tortured into giving you information about Nem'ro and get some big time brownie points, you didn't." The two looked at each other and Timsin looked at Ekro. "She so has the hots for you." Aaray stomped on Timsin's foot as hard as she could. Timsin groaned in pain as if a boulder had been dropped on his foot. "Wow, you're alot weaker then you look." said Aaray. "Unfortunately it's true. Under this utterly irresitible exterior is a tortured soul as skilled as a puppy in combat." Ekro rolled his eyes. "That's the soap opera version of saying he doesn't know how to use a weapon, believes it brings bad luck." he told Aaray. Aaray hung her head back and laughed, then gave Timsin a stern look. "Look, it's bad luck not to have a weapon nowadays. I mean really, how the hell do you live on Nal Hutta and not know how to use a blaster? Or a vibroblade at least.?" The man shrugged. "Hide int he corner." It's wording sounded as if it was meant to be sarcastic, but the man said it in a serious tone.

Another knock on the door came. "You don't have any cousins do you?" Aaray asked them sarcastically. "No, Carlos is on balmorra selling death sticks and joey is on vacationing on nar shaddaa, lucky bastard." Timsin joked. Ekro smacked him in the back of the head. "Stay hered." the medic said to Aaray. He turned and walked over to the door, and came in an ebony-skinned man with a cybernetic arc over his right brow. He looked at Aaray, his face expressionless. "You start in twenty minutes." he said plainly. the man then walked out without another word. Ekro turned to Aaray. "Go call your friend, hurry." Aaray shed Ekro's jacket and gave it to him. The Zabrak walked back into the room filled with Medical supplies to call Mako.



the holocom continued to ring. "Come on Mako........." Aaray muttered. A few moments later a holographic Mako came in sight. "Hey Aa- where are you?" the cyborg asked curiously. "Fa'athra's palace......." Aaray replied, closing her eyes as if shielding herself from an explosion. Mako's eyes practically popped out of her head. "Willingly? Undercover? Why the hell are you in Fa'athra's palace Aaray?" "I got attacked when on Fa'athra's turf. Fa'athra's medic got me back to health, he and his brother are gonna help me bust outta here." Aaray replied. Mako's expression didn't change. The slicer crossed her arms. "Are you sure we can trust them?" she asked.

Aaray didn't answer, but turned and opened the door slightly and showed Mako Ekro and Timsin. ekro was currently slapping Timsin with his coat sleeves. "Yeah, i don't know how much they could hurt us Mako." Aaray told her sarcastically. Mako nodded. "I'll see if I can find a map of that place, stay safe okay?" "No promises." The hunter replied with a smirk. Aaray reached to turn the holocom off, but Mako put her hands up. "Wait-." she said. "You know that guy you heard in the background last time you called me?" Aaray nodded. "Yeah..... he was hired by Tarro to kill us both." she finished. Aaray shook her head and clucked her tongue. "The galaxy's putting you through living hell Mako." "Don't I know it." Mako then clicked off the holocom.

Aaray walked out ofthe room and the ebony-skinned man had returned with Aaray's 'uniform'. Aaray moaned, took the outfit and went back to the supply room to change. It was blue and it's top was made of metal, and it's bottom was a metal belt with a long blue cloth to cover her. She groaned. 'I thought my dancing outfit was bad......' she thought. Aaray walked back out and glared at Timsin as he looked her up and down multiple times. The large man grabbed Aaray's wrist and dragged her out the door. He took her down a long dark hallway where Fa'athra rested. "Ah, here she is, Nem'ro's little hunter." Fa'athra said in huttese, his voice dripping with sarcasm and loathing. "Bring her closer Rali." the ebony skinned man -Rali- pushed her forward and onto the floor.

Aaray fell onto her knees and glared up at the dark purple hutt. "My brother will now feel the humiliation of seeing his little hunter as my slave." This caught Aaray's attention. "Nem'ro is your brother?" she asked, rather curiously. "Yes, unfortunately he is." Fa'athra hissed.

The hutt turned to Rali. "Prepare her." he told the cyborg plainly. Rali nodded and dragged Aaray up by her arm. He picked her up as if she were light as a father and placed her on the stand where Fa'athra sat next to a long haired Chiss. "So i just sit here?" asked the Zabrak, feeling stupid and useless. Fa'athra looked down on her. "Just shut up and look pretty." he told her. Rali looked at Aaray. "You will do whatever master tells you to." the cyborg snapped.



Two hours had passsed and the only things that had happened was a dealer selling Nem'ro exotic spices and the execution of a man who had stolen one of Fa'athra's speeders. A cold hand touched aaray's wrist, she turned to see the Chiss woman. "Meet me at dinner." she whispered. Aaray opened her mouth to respond, but felt Rali's eyes on her.



Half an hour later and nothing had happened. Fa'athra looked down on his slave girls. "Go. eat. you're no use to me if you're skin and bone. Rali and another man started unchaining Aaray, the chiss woman, and four other girls. Aaray enjoyed the feeling of her hands being free. The drunks and workers cleared the room, and guards herded the girls into a a door behind Fa'athra and it led into a large gray room filled with tables that each had a small plate of meat and vegetables. The chiss woman grabbed Aaray's wrist and dragged her to a table in the corner. Aaray sat down, the metal bench freezing her thighs. the chiss in front of her looked around to assure they weren't being watched. she leaned towards Aaray. "Listen here and listen close, I can only say this once, say nothing until I'm done." she told the zabrak. "My name is Tikara, I've been in this position for four months. That chiss you killed, Kimsi, was my sister. Thanks for that, she's the one who landed me here. I know you, can i can tell by the look in yuor eyes you want to strike at Rali Temple, don't. He is force sensitive, and has been secretly trained by Inquisitor Umbrith, a sith from korriban. His sister Raina is also Force Sensitive, but very few people no it because she is an ensign and doesn't want to be Sith. That spice dealer that Fa'athra had a meeting with earlier, he was selling Fa'athra illegal spice. It's what Fa'athra pays his spies with, spies he has planted in Nem'ro's circle, I know the names. Image is everything to Fa'athra, i can help you ruin his image if you get me out of here. Surely a ruined Fa'athra would get Nem'ro to sponsor you...." Aaray's eyes widened, taking it all in. "Illegal spice, secretly having a sith trained to protect him, surely that's enough to ruin him. You already gave me that info, so i could just kill you and use it anyway." Aaray replied, she wasn't planning on trusting anybody here. Tikara grinned deviously. "That is not the only information I have for you, all you have to do, is get me out of here." The chiss told her. "How do you know all of this?" "Like I said, image is everything to Fa'athra, whenever he's on that seat, his girls are with him." Tikara explained. Aaray took a bite of her bantha meat, considering it.


Fa'athra smiled and Rali turned off the listening device. "Wonderful idea to put a listening device on the Zabrak's costume Rali, simply wonderful." Rali grinned at the idea of pleasing his boss.

"Thank you master."






I hate this story. So much. i should just stick to the storyline because in this I went out of it and it's a piece of crap.

Edited by Black_Angel_BR
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Sneak peek of the next, enjoy


Sedyn sat in a chair, sharpening his knife. "Quit pacing kid, just calm the **** down." he told Tarro. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Tarro snapped. "I can't get my hands on that crazy Zabrak *****!" Sedyn rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the table in front of him. "Y'know, maybe I could help you find the chick if you gave me a name." Tarro ran his hands through his blond hair and laughed bitterly. "I tried, but you just said 'Oh no, as long as I get a good fight out of it I don't care.' Her name's Aaray. Aaray Azkon." the younger man replied.


Sedyn looked up from the knife and stared at Tarro with both his organic and cybernetic eye.


"Aaray Azkon? This is gonna be fun…." he muttered. Tarro sat down in a chair and looked at the cyborg in curiousity. "You know her?" he asked. Sedyn nodded and put the knife down. "You could say that. All I can really tell ya is that she's a former Mandalorian, from Taris." he explained to Tarro, his voice deep and scratchy. "Former? So she's dar'manda?" Sedyn nodded again. "Then as a Mandalorian it's job to get rid of her. Killing two thrantas with one stone. How come you never told me about her before?" asked Tarro curiously and now even more eager to kill Aaray. Sedyn got off the couch and fixed his crooked jeans. "You're the closest thing I have to a son Tarro, but there's alot you don't know about me." the cyborg answered, then walked off.








Hehe I have plans. wonderful -crush-your-emotions-like-supernautral plans

Edited by Black_Angel_BR
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