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55 sage looking for a casual raiding guild


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I have a level 55 sage on a different server willing to transfer over here. Primary looking for a casual raiding guild that will eventually hit S&V. Looking for drama free guild-size isn't a major issue but due to past issues guild has to be making process. Hours available for raid 8-10 or 8-11.


Seriously offers only and please established guilds.


Thank you

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Tranquility is always looking for experienced raiders. We have two operations groups. One runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the other runs 9:30 pm to 12:30 am Eastern US time, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Both groups are 8-man groups. Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining.


And now, a little about us:

We are Tranquility, a pre-launch LGBT guild originally from Keller's Void but now here to stay on Jedi Covenant. We are a semi-hardcore guild that manages to balance raid progression, PvP, real life, and dirty jokes to form a fun, friendly community of gay and straight members ranging from 18 to older than dirt (Humpher). If you have any questions feel free to whisper or send an ingame mail to Charlz (our "Illustrious" Guild Leader), or any of the officers (Aridian, Bigblockhead, Gobien/Junnol, Tehito) and we will be happy to answer them for you.

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GAF (Gaming Age Forum, at least officially) is recruiting good republic players of all levels and classes to join the ranks! We have two 55 ops teams, one tackling the NM's with HM on farm, and one just hitting HM. We also do regular guild pug runs twice weekly as long as we can get the people, plus lots of random pick-ups, sometimes with our sister guild Legendary Guild and other friends. We've also been known to take on some more creative challenges - we've two-manned Toth & Zorn, and done several rounds of EV/KP with about 4 people. Some of our members do run PVP, but we are a PVE focused guild.


We have no gear requirements - that we can get you. Just looking for talent (and an openness to parse, learn, and improve) with a positive attitude (of course complaining is allowed, extreme negativity and rudeness is not). F2P and lack of expansion are both okay, though we admit you'll have less to do. You'll still benefit from our 10% rep and xp boosts, plus good company and people who can guide you through the tough stuff.


You can reach us and learn more from our website http://www.torgaf.com (we also have Facebook groups and a TeamSpeak server for members). In-game, you can contact Carterr/Carterii/Qarterr/Karterr, Makavelli/Makguyver/Cincinnatikid/Sirmaksalot, or Jasma'n/Etara/Snohe/Thrëë. Most guild ops begin at 8 eastern so you're most likely to find us from then on. Hope to hear from you soon!

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