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Can you be a Darth and a Lord of the Sith at the same time?


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I know that we have always seen Darth Vader addressed as Lord Vader and have seen the moniker Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith. Yet, this game separates them as separate ranks.


Is my question answered in my first sentence or is there more to it?

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Mythology of the sith has evolved since the original trilogy, originally "Darth" was synonymous with "Lord of the Sith" in fact some books stated the "Darth" was a contraction of "DARk lord of the siTH", however the EU expanded the myths about the Sith and created several ranks (Apprentice, Sith, Lord, Darth) as well as the high rank of Emperor (also High Lord, Lord of all Sith, etc as it changes with the Sith).


For an in film/game explaination you get "most people had forgot the details about the Sith and it's easier just to accept the pleasantries than constantly correct them".

Edited by AlexDougherty
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The Sith Order of TOR's time period possesses one of the more well-defined organizational structures, most likely because of the sheer number of Sith that operated within the Empire, and that fact that Sith and non-Sith were forced to interact with one another at the various levels of power and government.


Almost all Sith are addressed as 'my lord' regardless of actual rank by non-Force sensitives within the Empire, which range from Acolyte, to Apprentice, to Lord, to Darth. Even a mere acolyte is capable of commanding respect from the ordinary citizenry or foot soldiers of the Empire. When a Sith addresses another Sith of higher rank, they'll often use 'my lord' if they don't feel like using the other Sith's full rank and name and because it automatically conveys a certain level of respect.


"I'm sorry, my lord, there were complications..."

"I'm sorry, Darth Marr, there were complications..."


The first establishes the relationship between the two parties, the second merely identifies the second party's rank and title.


So 'lord' is a declaration of respect, 'Lord' is an official title codifying a rank of superiority, and 'Darth' is taking that one step further. One you ascend to the rank of Darth, you don't stop being a Lord, you've merely risen above the others whom remain at that level.


Darth Marr, would be his official title. Lord Marr would be a less formal title, utilized by either his peers, his equals, or maybe those familiar with the inner workings of the Sith. Otherwise he could simply be addressed with 'my lord' by those below him, or those who match his rank but wish to display their respect.




There is a similar usage of the word master amongst Jedi in the Old Republic. Republic soldiers and citizens will address any Jedi as 'master Jedi' merely as a sign of respect. Any Jedi who trains a Padawan is considered their 'master', even if they are still technically only a Knight. Then there is the formal rank and title of 'Jedi Master'.




But of course, these organization change over time, even being completely destroyed and rebuilt, so of course their organizational structure will fluctuate according to its time period and its leadership.

Edited by Osetto
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Darth and lord is almost like the feudal Nobility structure.


Acolite is like an baron.

Apprentice is like an Earl

Lord is like a Count/Mariqus

Darth is like a Duke.


Another way of looking at it. Just by becoming a sith you're practically nobility in the Empire.

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