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What's the point to remove EV/KP/EC from GF for level 55?

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That is a bummer, indeed. Just to help some people, or just for fun.. or to gear companion...


Maybe it would make it to easy for 50-54 people...


it made me want to NOT level my healer/tank alts... but they hit 55 in time (even if I wanted to make it as slow as possible)... Still can't make my self pugging tfb and sv...

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They really do need to fix it so that it is available for level 55s. Especially with double xp weekend you hit 55 so fast you don't have time to build up comms or gear unless you're lucky to have alts that can funnel gear through legacy stuff. But even then it'd be nice to run some easier ops once in a while if bored. They should just add them to the 55 queue as a seperate on/off option from SV/TFB and have it be 20 basic comm daily or something similar. Would make queue go off faster for 50s and at the very least give basic comms for 55s looking for isotopes.
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Not exactly on topic but...


Does anyone know if doing the HM versions of the operations will fulfill the requirement for the initial missions that lead to the ops like Journey to the Belsavis Depths?





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I definitely agree that they need to open these classic operations up to level 55's. I can understand that they might have been worried that with the gear level 55's have the gameplay might be unbalanced in these operations, but that's an issue all over right now. And considering you can do regular FP's and even planetary groups, it seems rather moot to exclude the operations. With how fast people are able to level from 50-55 just using the FP groups, I've found it impossible to actually even get an operation group. So far I've leveled 3 characters to 55, one to 54, and one to 53 and I've yet to manage to complete a single classic operation. Either someone crashes, and the group falls apart because you can't find a replacement, or I just quite simply out-level them. I spent around 8 hours today sitting in a queue for only the classic operations, and it never even formed a single group. And I can't see it getting any better without allowing 55's to join in.
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Oh but they will make it for level 55's. This will be the next big publish!



Ghosts of the Past - New Migraine Modes!

- Soa is back! And he brought his twin brother, Doa! ( now you must position both under the pylons at the same time!) Along with all the same EV bosses but harder!

- Group with fellow 55's to down this brand new content!

- Stay tuned for next patch 2.7.2 an old Hutt wants revenge!

Edited by MosesMercury
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It doesn't help matters that pretty much no one does ops at lvl 50 anymore. All you see is lvl 55 and why would they do content that is zero challenge? Frankly, I don't see the comms you get as being worth the snoozefest of blasting through lvl 50 content.


I wish they would have raised the classic ops to lvl 55 but then anyone that doesn't have the expansion can't play them. It's already next to impossible to do either EV or KP in SM unless you're in a guild that decides to do it... and I'm not sure how many guilds would have enough folks that wanted to anyways.


I'm disappointed that I have most of my alts that will never get to progress through the various ops and difficulties.


Must be interesting for new players to get to endgame and skip so much in Ops and HM FP content while wondering why it's there.

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