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Weird voidstar loss


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We start as attackers.


We blow up first door

We extend bridge

We fail to blow up second door


We are defenders now


Enemy blows up first door

Enemy extends bridge - the game DOES NOT end at this point, which means they did it slower than us.

Enemy fails to blow up second door


And the result is... the enemy wins? :confused:

(happened 5 mins ago)

Edited by Sharee
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They had more kills.


As far as i know kills only decide ties when the first door is never blown - but regardless, no, we had more kills, i checked because the result confused the heck out of me.

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I had an odd loss one night. I may just be confused as to the way that Void Star now works as I am a returning player from launch and maybe it has been changed. If not I'd like to submit a bug report on it, I want to investigate a little first though and thought this was a good post to start in. Anyway, here's the scenario.


Enter the match, it's Imperial vs Imperial, I'm on defense. The enemy team ends up making all the way to the data core, they take it with about 1.5 minutes remaining. Now it's our turn to attack, as was the previous round it's a fairly even battle, we progress through the objectives, not really fast, but by no means easily, we end up taking the data core with about 12 seconds left on the clock. I was stoked, congratulating my team in /ops while /yelling to the other team that it was a great match. That's when I hear the announcer say that we have lost. At first I thought that maybe I had heard wrong, but sure enough, the scoreboard comes up and reads Defeat. I was kind of shocked, I noticed someone type in chat that it's because both teams made it all the way and so we both lose. I dunno, it was late and there's no changing the games mind so I let it go and said I'd figure it out later.


Now, when I had stopped playing previously the timer for the second attacking team, if the first team makes it all the way to the data core, starts at the amount of time it took the first team to make it. I'll be honest, I simply took this for granted and did not look at the clock when we started our attack round, I was busy trying to find out how we wanted to approach the first set of doors, When we had made it to the data core with 12 seconds left on the clock I assumed we made it 12 seconds faster than the enemy team based off of my previous knowledge, and that making it to the last objective faster constituted a win. Now, I realize that changes have been made, as when I left I believe the win was random if nobody blew the first door, and in my reading it appears that it now bases a win off kills if neither team completes the first objective. Has it been changed to this as well if both teams make it all the way? Or is this a bug I should report in the bug section?


Please forgive my ignorance on this issue, it's been quite some time since I played and I generally try to keep myself informed on these kinds of things but haven't found answers just yet and figured I'd ask here. Thank you in advance for any responses.

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they got it faster than you, its just a glitch right now where the game doesnt end...


yup, happend last night to me aswell.

we downed brige, I think 'damn, we won, we won, in your face' (we played against my sister guilds premade, we were pugs), and then game didn't stop.


that was one heroic dance for that second door, and feelign of failure when we didn't make it..

and then





it came naturally to me that it must still count time for last doors that went down as we had less kills but indeed took bridge very fast, it's either glitch (it still stops game if attackers moved futher) or working as intended to give other team chance to get some medals.

no idea.

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