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Anthology recruiting


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2 person Imp side guild seeking dedicated, skilled, experienced key class players for 8 person HM TfB/SV progress. We would also welcome an experienced Raid Lead to our team.


Applicants will be familiar and comfortable with full clears of TfB/SV SM. HM experience highly desirable. Must be patient during the recruitment process because we will be selecting not only on experience and skill, but a good fit with other team members. Come with 69-72 pve/class specific gear, fully augmented and a good attitude. Alts with other guild affiliations are welcome however, be advised that once the raid nights (2) are decided on by the entire team, you will be expected to attend.


At this time we are 2 dps (Merc and Mara) looking for: 2x heals, 2x tanks, 2x dps.


Willing to pursue 16 man content in the near future if our 8 person thrives.


Contact Roen or Torvar for a vent interview and thanks!

Edited by Darkwords
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