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A common storage please


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I have 9 characters and I am much into crafting. Sending raw materials back and forth among my chars and all the loggin in and out to send or recieve these materials lowers the fun level alot in this game. It seems as this could be solved in a much more effective way. I seriously doubt that loggin in and out every other minute is planned to be a part of the overall game experience. I've solved this issue by creating a 1 man guild (in order to use the common storage called the "Guildbank") in another famous MMORPG in order to get a better view over my storage of my crafting materials. SWTOR could show that you could come up with a better solution than that..


Please come up with a solution for that.

My suggestion is a common storage for all your characters on the same server and scrap the individual ones.

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Keep the individual storage but add the ability to purchase shared storage that would function as described in the OP.


I bought lots of shared storage space in LOTRO for the above-described reasons. I shouldn't have to quit my guild just to get storage space.


Think of all the cartel coins I'd spend, EAware! :D

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This would be a great idea not to mention account banking for all toons on an account to stockpile items to aleviate the need to login/out all the time to find or transfer stuff.I could just play a toon and run to the bank and be able to access everything on my account.
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This would be a great idea not to mention account banking for all toons on an account to stockpile items to aleviate the need to login/out all the time to find or transfer stuff.I could just play a toon and run to the bank and be able to access everything on my account.


Hence why crafters love GW2...the bank is account locked not character locked.

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  • 2 months later...
Looks like this thread has been gathering dust out there for a while. Its a great idea, wonder why no one at EA is rolling this out. It seems I spend hours moving mats and items around between my 15 characters. Hell, they could just add a legacy tab or 2 or 3 to the cargo hold. I'd be willing to pay for it. It seems like a simple, rational, and needed solution. They could profit from it too. Lets see if it ever sees the light of day.
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