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Old armor sets suggestion

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Hello everyone. This is my first post in SWTOR forums, and any comment or answer will be appreciated, especially to support my suggestion. However, the post is directly adressed to BioWare, or the dev team of the game.


The thing is this: I started playing this game maybe 3 months ago, almost 4. I definitely enjoy playing it, I tried it the first 2 days as f2p and immediately became sub. The game is awesome, congrats to Bioware for such an achievement.


Having said that, my suggestion concers the old gear already removed from the game, i mean tionese, rakata and columni. That is the gear anyone can see in the character progression videos, and it is one of the main reasons which made me to register and start playing the game. Imagine my dissapointment, if i can use such an euphemism, when i found out those gears had been removed from the game. So the conclusion is, because i registered in the game later than other people, i dont have the option to get that gear anymore.


The character progression videos are amazing, and almost everyone likes the gear shown there. So my suggestion is to put back those gears in the cartel market, or wherever else. I would like to post my reasons for doing so:


1- Imagine you, Bioware, put back those gears in the cartel market, in order for any player to get it and have it. The result: Bioware earns more money.


2- Now imagine some older players say they fought hard to get that gear, and it would be unfair anyone can have it, so in that case you can put a level requirement on the gear, because it is logical that low level players cannot have the best-looking gear on the game. That gear must be a reward for leveling and fighting through the game. The result: higher level players again have the option to get that gear and want to get it. Bioware earns more money.


3- Now imagine for some reason, some players disagree with those options, because they think there would be too much of that amazing gear around, and you could see 20 people per day wearing the "Tionese Weaponmaster gear" for sith juggernauts, just like i saw till now 200 people with the Eradicator's gear. In that case, you can even avoid the cartel market and make that gear available again though bosses, operations, or however in the game, in order to avoid the "pay to win" or "pay to look the best" issue. The result: everyone fighting harder to get that gear, needing more credits to update armor, having to play more warzones, ops and flashes, and consequently needing more cartel coins or the subscription. Bioware earns more money.


I may be mistaken, but no matter the way you see it Bioware, you earn more money and make a lot of players happy by doing this. What else you could ask for? There may be a reduced group of players against this suggestion, because they already have that gear and dont wanna more players to have it, in order to look more exclusive, and unique. I that case, i think the game would be unfair because not every player would have the same options to get gear, only depending on WHEN they started playing the game.


In conclusion, put back all that gear, please. A great game like this one should always be getting and adding more and more content, but never "losing" anything that is already into. Thank you for you attention and time if you read this.


P.S.: Im spanish, so i apologize for any possible mistake made in the text. Besides that, i would like someone posts in one answer if he or she knows any guide of terminology of the game. I mean terms such as: AoE, HoT, LoT, OP, and that kind of stuff. I dont disagree playing on english, on the contrary i enjoy it quite much, but sometimes it can be hard for "foreign" players to understand some of those terms. Thank you :)

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