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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Datacubes and bound rewards


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So went and turned in 2 of the datacubes I got from cartel market today. Chose XP boost because I'm about to level my alt... and this crap is bound to me.


GG bioware.


Note: There is a timer. Wait for it to run out and they will no longer be bound.



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I wonder why they took the Credit Boom option away. That was the best thing about those.


They claimed it was being exploited by people unlocking it in collections and getting the credit boom on multiple characters. I don't see this as a huge exploit because you need to pay cartel coins for the unlock, then the credit boom is one per character and in order to get to it you need to have a character leveled enough to get to Nar Shaddaa. It's not really feasible to spend that much time and effort to get a character to that point just for one single credit boom. There are many much quicker ways to earn more credits than that in the game.


Anyway, Bioware in their wisdom pulled a knee jerk reaction and hastily removed the credit boom without bothering to replace it with something else that would be of use to level 55 players. They also didn't bother to make the XP boost bound to legacy which at least would let a 55 character find some use for it on an alt.

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They claimed it was being exploited by people unlocking it in collections and getting the credit boom on multiple characters. I don't see this as a huge exploit because you need to pay cartel coins for the unlock, then the credit boom is one per character and in order to get to it you need to have a character leveled enough to get to Nar Shaddaa. It's not really feasible to spend that much time and effort to get a character to that point just for one single credit boom. There are many much quicker ways to earn more credits than that in the game.


Anyway, Bioware in their wisdom pulled a knee jerk reaction and hastily removed the credit boom without bothering to replace it with something else that would be of use to level 55 players. They also didn't bother to make the XP boost bound to legacy which at least would let a 55 character find some use for it on an alt.


Note: You can get to Nar Shaddaa at level 7.



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They claimed it was being exploited by people unlocking it in collections and getting the credit boom on multiple characters. I don't see this as a huge exploit because you need to pay cartel coins for the unlock, then the credit boom is one per character and in order to get to it you need to have a character leveled enough to get to Nar Shaddaa. It's not really feasible to spend that much time and effort to get a character to that point just for one single credit boom. There are many much quicker ways to earn more credits than that in the game.


Anyway, Bioware in their wisdom pulled a knee jerk reaction and hastily removed the credit boom without bothering to replace it with something else that would be of use to level 55 players. They also didn't bother to make the XP boost bound to legacy which at least would let a 55 character find some use for it on an alt.


Unlock 3 different cubes.

Level 7 can get to Nar Shaddaa.

Assume each credit bloom is 60k credits. So that is create a character, power level quickly, get to Nar Shaddaa, 180k credits, rinse and repeat.

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