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Looking for Serious Raiding Guild


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I have been working with my social guild to try and do HM progression and have had no luck. I really want to tackle some of the more difficult endgame content like HM TFB/S&V as well as NiM. I have a 55 Marauder with 69's/72's, a 55 Assassin (DPS/Tank) with almost full 72's for DPS, and a 55 Operative (Heals) with 69's. I'm available for raiding all throughout the week after 6:00pm EST. I already have a mic and TS3 (willing to use other voice chat). I'm just looking for a dedicated raiding guild that is successful with actually progressing through content.
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Dreadstone may be exactly what you (and we) are looking for. Dreadstone is a small group of friends who have been gaming together for years and are progressing though Swtor content. We are a mature group who plays together every night and run ops a couple times a week. We are looking for steady players who will show up and be a permanent addition. Please contact me Dixius, Nekolas, Lathia, or Kyyndred in game for more details. Our website is in my sig. Thanks. We are ingame currently. Give us a shout.
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I would encourage you to check out Templars . We are a casual yet successful raiding guild. We are running HM ops two - three times a week, Tue Thur & Fri we have solid players who are mature, and promote a team focused atmosphere.


We are looking for like minded players who want to raid casually but also succeed in the end game content. We are also looking for folks who treat this for what it is, a hobby, and don't get bent out of shape when a wipe occurs. If you think we may be a good fit check us out online or contact me (Trantor) in game. See you soon!

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Check out Soultakers.



We currently have 2 ops groups and do both PVP and PVE (Mostly PVE, but we group up for some PVP funtime occasionally).


Our raiding schedule is: Monday to Thursday from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm EST


We provide Vent, 5 slot bank, active FP / PvP groups, 8 man and 16 man Ops groups and a fun atmosphere.

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Look into Souls of Fate



We are a small, but serious guild. We like to enjoy our game play, but seek progression as well. We don't just run your typical progression we also challenge ourselves to find new ways to run old ops. One of our "Challenge Raids" is a speed run of Denova with only 4 players, quickest team earns a significant reward. That is just one of our events. Come give us a try, our Open Raid nights are Friday's and Saturday's.

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