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Sentinel issues, is there a fix?


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Dear All,



I play a watchman sentinel and i have had some issues with it for a year now but lately they have become more and more prevalent. First and foremost, merciless slash does not trigger, does half the animation, stops and then i have to hit it again. This leads to a lost stack and major loss in damage throughout the whole fight. Zealous strike and slash often fail to hit and stop mid animation as well. How can I enjoy this class and help my raid when it behaves this way?

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This is a problem across all classes. It seems particularly problematic with classes that have a very high APM (Combat sentinels are terrible in this respect). My current working theory is that it's an interaction between animations. I can *reliably* produce a false cast on my Combat sentinel with the following short sequence: Leap > (Inspiration + Valorous + Zen) Zealous Strike. If I hit the Zealous Strike exactly on the GCD following Leap, it will false cast and I will need to wait a full GCD before I can use anything. Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I am averaging a 49apm and this only happens if you spam your keys to fast. I set the ability queue to 1 second and press my buttons once. Problem solved.



I will try this again. Tried it a few months ago and i gave up on a fix. I will do this hopefully there is a miracle and it reduces the amount my sentinel breaks animations. SWTOR is a living thing, you leave it alone and it fails to work on its own but if you sing soft kitty it comes back to life :D

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I am averaging a 49apm and this only happens if you spam your keys to fast. I set the ability queue to 1 second and press my buttons once. Problem solved.


Actually, I find that going in the other direction (to a 250 ms queue) works better than going to a full second, especially since that is the full duration of a GCD under Ataru Zen.

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