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Working on my Carnage Mara, tips, and rotation help.


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Hey guys. I am switching to my Mara from my Merc to help pick up the lack of Blood Thirst in my guild. I was wondering if anyone can give me any tips on how to achieve the highest DPS I can.


Opener: W/O Blood Thirst (Fight Dependent)


FC > BA > Relic/Adrenal > Berserk > Gore > Force Scream > Ravage


then I will use Massacre and Assault to get my Slaughter proc... I wait until FS is about the finish cool down then


Gore > VT > FS > Massacre or DSA depending on rage available.


Then I work on building rage and switch back and fourth between Massacre and Assault. If I have built up full rage I will Rupture and wait for my next gore window.


Currently my gear is mostly 69 with some 61/63. PVP SA Relic, Arkanian BA, 72 MH Hilt, 69 OH Hilt, Crafted Implants. I can currently parse around 2300-2400 on the dummy and parsed 2300 on some Flashpoint Bosses as well. I can post my talent points and stats later when I can get in game.

Edited by Nipanther
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