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D0 Combat Sents ever use Regular strike at 55 to gain focus these days?


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Do combat sents ever use Regular strike at 55 to gain rage these days? I was just wondering about focus generation for combat sents at 55 since i dont have one, is zealous strike enough to keep your rage up at 55 or do you still have to use regular strike too? thanks lads
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You can talent spec Zealous strike to have a much faster cooldown,, which helps loads. Also, Force stasis helps add 3 more focus points, as well as keeps the enemy from attacking for 3 seconds.


You'll likely use strike on the odd occasion, but you'll find you won't be using it nearly as much as the other talent trees :)

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Yes, I Strike quite a bit. I always Strike between Precision Slash windows if Zealous Strike is down. Also, I alternate Blade Rush > Strike as my spam filler while awaiting the CD on Precision Slash unless I have a surplus of Focus (which does happen on occasion).
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