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fps problem


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hi guys i bought a radeon 7950. so its a pretty good vid but i still cant plat swtor smooth im stuck at 50-60 fps.

wt.f? any tips?


Need more info.


CPU? Where are you testing, fleet? Graphics settings/resolution?


50-60 is not bad for this game. That's about what I get in the fleet with a 7970 @ 2560x1440 I think.


EDIT: Make sure vertical sync is OFF. Vertical sync only works properly when your FPS is about 60. If it is below, despite what the FPS counter will say it will be in multiples of 60.


For example, with Vsync on...


60+ FPS = 60

30-59 FPS = 30

16-29 FPS = 15

Edited by SuspectDown
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i have 12 gigs or ram but my cpu is not that good i3 duo core 2.9ghz lol. Playing on windowed and 1680-1080 i think


but does the cpu rllly matter?


What are your gaphics settings? The lower they/the resolution is, the more the CPU matters.


Windowed @ that resolution, I would imagine you should be getting a little more FPS. Where are you testing?

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you find 60 fps okay. whell i do not with my vid i would expect 100-120.


isnt the problem the swtor engine?


For Core i3 + 7950, that sounds fine. Regardless of the FPS you want, it sounds about right for your system on THIS game. I'm not sure why you expect 100-120 in SWTOR with max settings with your system.

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