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carnage and serendipitous assault relic


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I'm currently switching over my gear from annihilation to carnage and i have a serendipitous assault relic and 1 thing i noticed is that it never procs.Does it not stack with the carnage form proc or is it just bad luck? if it doesn't stack what should i switch out the serendipitous relic for? i have the dg power clicky in the other slot.also i never really pvp'd pre 2.0 so i don't have any of those war hero relics to work with.
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I'm currently switching over my gear from annihilation to carnage and i have a serendipitous assault relic and 1 thing i noticed is that it never procs.Does it not stack with the carnage form proc or is it just bad luck? if it doesn't stack what should i switch out the serendipitous relic for? i have the dg power clicky in the other slot.also i never really pvp'd pre 2.0 so i don't have any of those war hero relics to work with.


The relics you have work in PVE; they don't work in PVP. Says so right on the relic tool-tip.

Edited by Plicitous
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I've not explicitly looked for it recently, but I can tell you for sure that it procced for carnage in 2.1 - when I got that relic I did a whole bunch of testing with it to work out whether it was better than the dark radiance one I was using before.


I hit a 15k vicious throw crit the other day in 2.2 on a non-gimic fight, which will generally only happen when the stars align and an adrenal, my on-use power trinket and serendipitous assault are all up at the same time.

Edited by rmdw
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that wasnt even what i was asking


Sorry about that. I read more into your post than what written explicitly. I assumed you were asking about PVP context because the SA relic definitely procs in PVE. What are you looking at to determine if it fires? Character screen or the buff icon? The latter should be there when it's active -- it's orangish. You might want to go into the UI editor and increase the size of your buff/debuff notifications.

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