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<The Smuggler's Empire> is Recruiting!! [Pub]


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Hello everyone my name is Grazith and i am the guild leader of <The Smuggler's Empire> we are a new PvE guild focused on having fun in the game and being friendly and helpful as possible!! we are mainly recruiting 50-55's for our raiding groups but we welcome lower level players as well. and for those out there who are looking to do some progression we are going to form an ops group mainly for that and other group just for daily runs etc. if you are interested whisper either me Grazith, Sithdevastato, Jizzumm, Jo'then, Ianie, and Evasive for an inv just let them know that you saw our thread on the forums and are interested also we have a guild bank and a teamspeak server for those who might be wondering. :):)
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