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Marauders and vibroswords


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I've read that marauder skills work with vibroswords as well as lightsabers, but I'm wondering if it's possible to modify a vibrosword to the same level as a lightsaber in terms of stats and whatnot. I found in some post that you couldn't, but that was last year before the new expansion. Has this changed or can you still not mod a vibrosword to be equal with a lightsaber?



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Can that difference in min/Max damage cause a noticeable difference in dps? Otherwise I'm simply referring to stats, item level or whatever. Are there any differences in that kind of stuff?


In pure metrics maybe, in actual playing you never feel it. Then again, I only use a vibro on my Juggy Tank.

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Can that difference in min/Max damage cause a noticeable difference in dps? Otherwise I'm simply referring to stats, item level or whatever. Are there any differences in that kind of stuff?


If you spend weeks of nonstop combat you'd see little difference. Don't worry yourself over it.


If the gaps were larger they'd still roughly break even.

Vibroswords are sustained damage, lightsabres could RNG max hits or RNG lowest hits.


Just go with whatever you like the look of better.

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