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Devs: Give Us A Reason To Take Assault Plastique & Not Run A Hybrid Spec


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Everyone has already talked about how to fix this class - I'm not going to get into that. The devs have said they prefer people to run full trees instead of hybrids. Per the title, Assault Plastique needs a buff as it is the highest skill point on the tree. I want to run full Assault Specialist spec, however there is currently nothing which makes AP better than a sticky grenade and worth taking. Consequently, I run a hybrid spec. Frontload the AP damage again - some 12s dot which can be cleansed is useless. Edited by revcrisis
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Everyone has already talked about how to fix this class - I'm not going to get into that. The devs have said they prefer people to run full trees instead of hybrids. Per the title, Assault Plastique needs a buff as it is the highest skill point on the tree. I want to run full Assault Specialist spec, however there is currently nothing which makes AP better than a sticky grenade and worth taking. Consequently, I run a hybrid spec. Frontload the AP damage again - some 12s dot which can be cleansed is useless.


I'm not sure that Assault Plastique's front-loaded damage was nerfed.


It was always slightly more damage than Sticky Grenade while being "single-target" only. That is still the case today. Take a look at the tooltip for Assault Plastique and Sticky Grenade. You will see that the damage of AP is still slightly more than that of SG. However, AP now has the DoT component that it didn't have before making it "better" than it was before (especially in PvE as it effectively gives Assault/Pyro a 3rd DoT).


I understand that in PvP, the DoT component can be lost if it is cleansed. However, saying Assault Plastique was nerfed is not exactly "true".




I do agree that Assault/Pyro is in need of something. That something is "survivability".


Our burst was in fact cut down, but due to the High Impact Bolt nerf caused by the change to "Focused Impact" that used to have HIB ignore 60% of the target's armor whereas it now only ignores 45% (coupled with "High Friction Bolts", HIB used to ignore 90% of a target's armor whereas it now only ignores 75%).


However, our survivability was not changed. So, without our burst we die before we can do any significant damage/kill our opponent.


How about THIS idea...


Since Assault/Pyro is a DoT spec, give it "self-healing" from the DoTs as other classes have (Watchman Sentinels, Balance Shadows, etc...).


We already have a talent that would be a perfect shoe-in for this: "Adrenaline Fueled". In addition to its current effect (reduces the active cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by 6s every 1,5s you are being attacked) have it do the following:

"Critical hits with damage over time effects heal you for [0.5 / 1]% of your maximum health.".

(I'm sure this could be tweaked. After all, Assault/Pyro can now have up to 3 DoTs running simultaneously. So there could be a "this effect can only trigger every 1 second" limitation for example).


Having this effect tied to "Adrenaline Fueled" makes sense because:

1) It already has to do with our only "self-healing" ability.

2) It is high up in the Talent tree (30 points needed to get to it, only reachable at level 40) making it out of reach of the other trees (so Shield and Tactics wouldn't gain even more survivability).

3) It would make going higher up the tree absolutely worth it :).


If we got a constant source of self-healing, it would go a looooong way to fixing us. We would be able to survive long enough to be able to do something with our "sustained damage".


Just my idea.


We need something that will help us. I doubt Bioware will give us our burst back. But maybe they will be open to letting us live longer. Giving us "self-healing" inline with other DoT classes would go long way to helping that.


Again, just my idea. ;)

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What assault/pyro needs is its burst back. End. of. story. Think about it.. Ok so smart/geared smahsers on the LOWEST end of things hit for like what? 6k? pretty tight, and on the high end there hitting for 9-10k?? alright lol yet our highest Hibs/rail shots hit for 6.5-7k?? now with the bug to assault trooper fixed and power gearing i have noticed my ion pulse is hitting for 3.5k more often than not but... the way the damage scaled in 2.0 and the amount of HP all classes now have when they get fully geared lol its almost like our damage didn't get scaled at all and it sure didn't way i think about it is on the low end our ion pluse should be 3.5k and high end should be 4.5 to 5k our hib should at the LOW end of things be 7k and the high be 8k that would at least put us back to where we were before 2.0 but even with min/maxing and power gearing in mind our dps still is a bit lack luster. I agree we have always lacked in survivability but we made up for that with out burst so the devs nerf our burst and even with hold the line our survivability is a joke at best. Really lt boils down to a lack of brains on the devs part its a give or take thing bw you take our burst we should be given more survivability CDS not talents in the tree. yes yes i know the whole "your a tank class you shouldn't be able to do damage your class is ment to be a tank" i hear that alot and i would agree with it and will agree with it when shadow and smash dps gets nerfed in to the ground. But every patch it gets buffed and buffed so lol wheres our buff bw?


And yes the front end damage of AP did get nerfed to the point of useless ness. half the front end damage is now a useless *********** DOT that really does nothing. the only way AP will ever be useful to spec in to is if it gets rolled back to post 2.0 and we get our burst back but lol thats not gonna ever happen :rolleyes: smasher and snipers keep getting buffed and vanguards keep getting nerfed lol its like the saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


The one upside to this is in the hands of a good player someone who is comfortable with the vanguard/pt class that has played it awhile its still useful with a good team around you if it be regs or rated but that being said... still the question comes up why would you take a vg over a smasher ever? or another shadow? that question needs to be answered and fixed by the devs:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: but who am i kidding there probably too busy reading the sniper/shadow forums looking on what to buff next.


i know when i go on rants like this people tell me i'll get banned for a week or something.. well go ahead and ban me :cool: your games **** and its gonna die when eso launches. Don't really care at this point.


devs=Stupid ****s.

Edited by mfourcustom
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And yes the front end damage of AP did get nerfed to the point of useless ness. half the front end damage is now a useless *********** DOT that really does nothing.

It really wasn't. If it had been, Sticky Grenade's damage would have been "nerfed" as well and it wasn't. The relationship between their damage (AP slightly more that SG's, but SG's is an AoE) is the same as it always was. Assault Plastique's only change was that it got a DoT component. It was buffed. Yes, that "buff" can be rendered meaningless in PvP against someone who cleanses but that cleansing doesn't do anything against the initial damage of AP (which is still in line with what it was before).


the only way AP will ever be useful to spec in to is if it gets rolled back to post 2.0

I'm guessing you meant "PRE 2.0", but... see above...


and we get our burst back but lol thats not gonna ever happen :rolleyes: ...

I agree: we will most likely never get our burst back. Which is why I suggest buffing our survivability. Assault/Pyro used to depend on burst. That is now gone and we have more sustained damage. In PvP we don't live long enough for that sustained damage to be deadly. We need survivability.

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