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Player Character Customization Slot

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Just had a thought that I don't "think" would be too difficult to implement coding wise.


Although I dont think it would need to be exclusive to Cartel Market items, I do think it does fit perfectly as it would be completely cosmetic.


I think you should add a character item slot to player characters for a "customization item."


Currently companions have this slot, but for the player character it would work differently.


For player characters you could make the items that go into the slot add particle effects to the player.


A good example of this would be the "Glowing Eyes - Red" or "Glowing Eyes - Gold" items. Those could be customization slot items which.. instead of being one minute in duration with a 3 minute cooldown.. would permanently apply the particle effect to your character.


There are many very cool particle effects that already exist in the game that are very cool looking, but very short.. most of which only occur during combat and are rarely to never noticed by other players. Hell, sometime I dont even notice them until the fighting is over.


Examples: (forgive me for I dont know the names if individual talent buffs and such.. so I'll describe them)


The black flames that flicker off of Sith Assassin's when they have 3 charges of that self-healing lightning buff


The lightning that surrounds the arms of the Sith Sorcerer during certain combat buffs


The red "rage" aura that surrounds the Sith Warrior during their 'resting/healing' animation.


The golden glow that Consulars have while resting/healing.


Examples for force users are pretty easy to come up with.. you'd have to get creative for the other 4 non force classes, but I'm sure people here could help with that.


Bounty Hunters for example could have perpetual vents of steam coming from the joints (knee/elbows) in the suits.


Feel free to add to this list if you have examples of things you'd like to see along these lines.

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