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Low FPS - Pretty Decent Rig


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Hi, I hope You dont mind if I join this thread :) Maybe someone could help me as well.


I have the same issues and I recently did an update for my AMD based desktop. I now have these specs :

AMD FX - 8350 - 8 core, 4.0 GHz

16 GB Ram

SSD drive (where i store my game)

AMD Radeon HD 7970


I checked all the temps and settings for my card and CPU (the game uses about 12% of the system resources), nothing weird or abnormal. I tested my rig playing Metro Last light, everything was smooth on ultra settings, but here (in SWTOR) im having fps drops that are just terrible. So i guess its my settings in game, or maybe there is a workaround that i couldnt find on these forums (I checked several threads and nothing substantial), so anyways if anyone has a solution I would be very grateful.

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Hi, I hope You dont mind if I join this thread :) Maybe someone could help me as well.


Welcome to the thread :p


I'm still struggling to get any improvement on my system - as stated earlier a fresh install has made things slightly smoother but still terrible by any standards. Sub 30 FPS in fleet, some flashpoints and PvP.

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Hi, I hope You dont mind if I join this thread :) Maybe someone could help me as well.


I have the same issues and I recently did an update for my AMD based desktop. I now have these specs :

AMD FX - 8350 - 8 core, 4.0 GHz

16 GB Ram

SSD drive (where i store my game)

AMD Radeon HD 7970


I checked all the temps and settings for my card and CPU (the game uses about 12% of the system resources), nothing weird or abnormal. I tested my rig playing Metro Last light, everything was smooth on ultra settings, but here (in SWTOR) im having fps drops that are just terrible. So i guess its my settings in game, or maybe there is a workaround that i couldnt find on these forums (I checked several threads and nothing substantial), so anyways if anyone has a solution I would be very grateful.


What is your FPS indicator color?


OP & you, try to remove shadows at all and/or lower shader complexity.

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What is your FPS indicator color?


OP & you, try to remove shadows at all and/or lower shader complexity.


I've tried all graphical presets and manually turning shadows off. I believe low sets the shader complexity to low as well so this has been tried. Something this simply would of been one of my first steps however, even if it did resolve the issue, with the specs on my machine, I don't think it'd be a reasonable fix but either way, on any present I get FPS drops where lots of players pop in or lots of particle effects are going on.

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Hi again,


My fps indicator turned mostly red, sometimes yellow. I know, my hardware isnt the best there is, but Im confident that a GPU like 7970 and the best AMD CPU (i know Intel is better but still...) on the market should be sufficent to play this game on high settings without hiccups. I played a mix of high/low, all low, all high etc. tried every preset, game boosters etc. and still when entering WZs (my favorite activity in the game) FPS drop from 60-70 to a range of 10-30. I was scared that maybe my graphics card was faulty or something, but yestarday i downloaded Planetside2 and joined a battle there, playing along side about 60 players at one location and there was some fps drops but nothing so drastic like in SWTOR (it dropped from 70-80 to 45 - 60). :) So my best guess its something with better PCs and the game engine, my friend has an older desktop and he doesnt have these kind of problems ;/


Anyways, if anybody has any other ideas what to do, im open to suggestions.

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I see most people having this sort of issue are using AMD CPUs , not saying good or bad thing just an observation.


I am also aware of the below for Win 7 no idea if Win 8 has same issue ,and no idea if it will help -


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2645594 - needs to be installed first


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2646060 - needs to be installed second

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I've tried all graphical presets and manually turning shadows off. I believe low sets the shader complexity to low as well so this has been tried. Something this simply would of been one of my first steps however, even if it did resolve the issue, with the specs on my machine, I don't think it'd be a reasonable fix but either way, on any present I get FPS drops where lots of players pop in or lots of particle effects are going on.


I have laptop with i7 on 3.2 & Nvidia 670 gtx mobile, without shadows never seen bellow 40 FPS on fleet or quest zones (PvP is not my game), but high shadows on mobile 670 are lowering FPS bellow 30.

What I have done when installing my OS (Win7 x64):

Patched to latest state.

Latest audio & video drivers (keep them updated).

Full dx9 redist download from MS site and install.

Full VC++ redist download and installation.

NVidia control panel - Single monitor performance, Pre rendered = 1, AA, Antialiasing & so on on 4


Never tried on WZ ... don't play PvP ... but may go just to see what will happen with FPS (oh poor teammates...).

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That's pretty good for a 670m they are not as powerful as the desktop equivalent - http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+670M


I know, but I needed a laptop.

If my laptop can handle same engine on 40 to 80 FPS, but OP PC with similar architecture and much powerful components cannot ... this could only mean that issue is somewhere in OS/drivers/software, game is pretty demanding but with tuning can be played on much lower end PC (Core duo 3.2, 6 GB RAM 800 MHz, ATI 6750 = 25 - 50 FPS on fleet & quest zones - my wife plays on it).

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Why I also mentioned most seem to be owners of AMD CPUs above and the only thing I know that Win 7 had issues with, not sure why for the OP when my I7 3930K and 670GTX get along reasonably good :o


I do have issues with my web browser on my SSD , game is on a HDD.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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