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Flying mounts! yeah no, but i WAS flying....


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So i was making my way back from a quest on aldaraan when i realized the path i was on does not connect to the path i need to be on. so i split off and went down into the river that divedes the two halfs of the map and went down that way a bit till i was near the path i needed to be on and found there was no opening to get up from. so i did what any elder scrolls veteran would do, i jumped up a mountain. now once at the top, i decided id rather not travel the whole way back like this so i went to jump off. i was steering with bouth mouse buttons instead of WASD, but idk if that makes a diffeence with what happened. suddenly i was off the mountain.... but i wasnt on the ground. i was riding my speeder around in midair for a good 15 seconds before i started thinking, ***, am i really not going to fall?? another 15 seconds later i went to take a screencap, and only when i let go of the mouse buttons to click it (plus that second of lag you get as the screen locks up while taking the pic) did i start to fall. you can see the exhaust lines on the speeder pointing upwards as i start to fall, but i was flying for a good 30 seconds there.




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