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Looking for new Imperial Home


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Hi all!

Looking to transfer to BC and will be needing a new Imp guild to join. Prefer a guild running 1-2 or more progression teams at HM or higher levels of ops and in need of fresh blood. Not hardcore but not too casual. Fun, helpful guild. Raid times of 7pm or later. A fair guild that doesn't play favoritism, gives all a chance.


What I offer; a Sorc Healer with 69+ mods, 3 Ark pieces, completed all SM ops, most HM ops.

An Assassin Tank with 63+ mods with some SM experience.

An up and coming BH Merc Healer, lvl 44.


Been playing mmos since last century. Games like Asherons Call, SWG, DAoC, Conan, BH, WoW, Rift, CoH and beta'd most of them. I do some pvp, no rp. On a lot and at all times. Always willing to help others, but also expect some help in return. Was apart of the first guild to down Dreadtooth with 10 stacks and went on to do it 4 more times before any other guild did it. Have yet to get the mask to be able to join in on the bonus boss in TFB.


If you have a guild in need of my services, please reply and let me know.



Sith Rule, Jedi Drool

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