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looking to buy Schematic: Advanced Purple War Hero's crystal


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I really badly want this schematic. I've been trying to get it since january. I have opened 62 grade 6 crafting pvp boxes. I got no schematic of any kind. All I got was a bunch of useless mats and 3 mission discoveries. I am so frustrated right now.


This schematic can NOT be learned by reverse engineering. That only works with The critical, Power, and Enfurance versions of this crystal. War Hero crystals can NOT be learned by reverese Engineering. The reason I am making this clear is because many people have told me to reverse engineer it. I'm tired of people constantly giving me this false statement.


I know bolster currently makes expertise gear useless, but I believe this will be fixed, because it doesn't make any sense to have a pvp vendor that sells useless gear.


If you have this schematic, then please consider selling it to me. I am on the jedi convent server Thanks in advance..

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I may be completely wrong, but I don't think you'll ever see expertise used in anything other than level 55 warzones. It has been removed from the open world, and it's not a question of it needing to be fixed. They've so screwed up PvP in general that removing expertise was one of the multitude of incomplete and damaging changes they had to impliment to try and hammer the square peg of 2.0 and beyond into the round hole of the game.


As you might imagine, it doesn't fit.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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I may be completely wrong, but I don't think you'll ever see expertise used in anything other than level 55 warzones. It has been removed from the open world, and it's not a question of it needing to be fixed. They've so screwed up PvP in general that removing expertise was one of the multitude of incomplete and damaging changes they had to impliment to try and hammer the square peg of 2.0 and beyond into the round hole of the game.


As you might imagine, it doesn't fit.


I'm not talking about open world. I'm talking about warzones. bolster defeats the purpose of using expertise gear, including expertise crystals in warzones. Do you have any information about if the schematic: Advanced Purple War Hero's crystal is still available?

Edited by watermelonfan
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bolster defeats the purpose of using expertise gear


2018 is the amount of expertise you should have in full pvp gear (conqueror / partisan) If those tiers have expertise crystals in the slot, which makes up the 2018, then you want a expertise crystal. When boltser does get fixed, you want full pvp gear to have the best stats in the game. Bolster minimizes the difference between players and even the top tier pve gear should be less effective than top tier pvp gear (once bolster is fixed)

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