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Guys I have a problem :(


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You can actually use it. You would only have to shift around with you gear's Modifications a bit - and that's where the tricky thing starts.


There is one unsolved question in the game, a thing that no-one had the idea of thinking/solving about it, yet :


ALL people INSIST on using ONLY the own class' apropriate stats to be used as gear modifications.

This results in NO-ONE asking questions like :


If a companion uses "strength" as a primary value, and uses a tech blade - assuming that this tech blade does tech damage - wouldn't it be a good idea to actually give that companion "cunning", because "cunning" increases the tech damage, too ?


A similar thing goes on for the Sage : HE would benefit from what helps him using his Lightsabre - but no-one actually does that. All people do is put as many modifications as possibly into gear that features the Sage's primary stat - but no "strength" or so, which would help the Sage using his/her Lightsabre.


Usually, sticking to the primary stat is the safe thing - but I've never seen anyone experimenting beyond this.


And of course in FPs and in OPs you you'll receive a vote-kick, if you don't comply to what the masses of players think.


And yes : The Empire has Style - the Republic has Advertisements. At least at the Fleet.


People don't do this for a simple reason, take the Sage, yes Strength would increase his lightsaber damage almost as much as his primary stat (possibly more), but it wouldn't do anything else, just his lightsaber damage, none of his force powers would get any boost, power and surge boost are better for a sage than strength ( also good for all characters).

Edited by AlexDougherty
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