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Bastion vs. Pot5 - Where to go?


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Both the bastion and pot5 both have more than enough ranked teams to get consistent pops that aren't against the same team every time. Yes the server lag is worse on the bastion for us east coast/midwest people but it's not bad enough to be a deciding factor. An additional bonus (still not a deciding factor) to pot5 are the world pvp events which the bastion lacks. The deciding factor for me are the prime ranked times. The bastion has stated multiple times in their forums that the competitive ranked times are from 10pm to 1am PST which is 1am to 4am EST. Also now with the APAC mergers that time will only continue later. My schedule will just not allow that. Some people state that warm-up kickball match sometimes begin as early as 8 PST. Even if that is true that is still 11 EST and I personally I am more interested in the competitive ranked matches, not pugs.


After viewing the other server forms and weighing in all the factors, I believe I will be moving to pot5. Now with that being said I will only be transferring one toon since that is all the cartel coins I have saved up which means I will still be popping on JC for some reg matches.

Edited by KallorGanon
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I checked the server lag yesterday and for me it's:

56ms - pot5

106ms - bastion

67ms - JC

Well yes the bastion is pretty much double it isn't really that noticeable for me except for maybe huttball. Although I know some people do have it much worse.

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