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Aggressive-Negotations | Empire | 8m HM Ops recruiting


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Greetings Shadowlands! Aggressive Negotiations is currently seeking a Healer , DPS, and Tank to continue our success in end game operations. We currently have all HM's on farm and are awaiting NightMare modes in 2.2


A little about us:

Aggressive Negotiations is a pre-launch guild that has been playing in MMO's since EverQuest, and have since participated in endgame raiding in several MMO's, our most recent being World of Warcraft. Our core values are simple, no drama, maximum fun! We live by the motto "More, with less" And have been successfully completing end-game content with our raid schedule that is well suited to those working adults with family responsibilities.


Our raid times are Mon-Thurs from 9-11 CST. Our loot system further reflects the values of the guild, we don't go by points or any payout system, your very presence is key to our success and therefore we invest in all of those in the raid so we become stronger. We have a transparent loot list based around the difficulty of the content and strive to keep everyone balanced in power so we advance together as a guild.


If you have any questions, please feel free to visit us ! Post on our forums, peruse our applicant form, and above all don't hesitate to speak to us online. Feel free to reach out and speak to Shaka'Zulu, Torgarn, Katsuko, Alase, or Vape.

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Also, feel free to come stop by and hang out on Stream with me and the guild during raids!



We're a great awesome guild that has come to be a wonderful Community. We play a variety of games as well DEFIANCE being another big one. Come drop by and hang out, we're always up for expanding our community. With convenient raid times and a lenient group of players, we're always here to make your stay welcoming and enjoyable. We understand things come up and real life happens, we don't expect you to dedicate yourself to SWTOR every day of the week. We just expect you to keep up with the progress and be able to show up with your characters fullest potential. We're a laid back guild and we understand that there are things are more important than the game itself. Just remember, we DO expect you to show up and attend as much as possible! Well, I hope you come out and join our awesome community and hope to see you soon!

Edited by PunisherAS
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