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Anyone want to join a medium RP/Ops guild


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The Path of Justice currently have 4-5 geared appropiate people to do Level 55 SM Operations and are looking for more people to fill out our team of 8 man with the hopes of expanding into 16 man when more guildmates finish Leveling and aquiring the proper gear. Currently in need of 1 Tank and 2 DPS for our 8 man team. Planning on having OPS time on Saturdays at 2000 GMT +1. We have a raid call channel. Also keep in mind a few of us have completed OPS but are by no means "Pros". Will be a friendly enviroment where progession is the goal and not to breeze through content with only 1 to 2 wipes as we are still learning. If you are interested but feel you are "undergeared" do not worry we help our own in getting gear by always running lvl 55 HM FP. Also we have just started an RP storyline with another guild that is optional for all members that want to participate in RP. if you are interested messgae me in game or reply to the thread. my character name is "Veganna".


As for our needs for the team they are as follows:


1 Vanguard or Guardian Tank


2 Range DPS any combination of Commando, Gunslinger, or Scoundrel


1 Melee DPS Sentinel or Guardian

Edited by Slickbacck
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