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couple great ideas


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ok so i have a couple ideas, so im just going to do a list.


1. a good idea is to make it so guilds can level up. the higher lvl the bigger the xp bonus or at lvl x you unlock the guild bank.


2. mabye make it so a guild can declare war on another guild, and when a member of each clan are in a non-safe zone they have a battle.


3. can we try to bring back the plague? make it a year event even. it was fun and cool!


4. please make it so lvl 10-29 and lvl 30-54 can queue for pvp with a group of 8, om not saying ranked wz but id at least like to be able to queue with more than 4 of my members.


Please put these ideas to thought cause it would advance this game a lot, also people would stop saying its just wow with a star wars texture. thank you for your work and i hope you consider my ideas

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