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Marauder DPS in PVE and PvP

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So 2.0 has been out for over a month now and I am unable to find any factual information regarding specs/builds/rotations/stats etc for marauders. There's the usual strength vs power or rage vs carnage stuff but nothing that has been backed up by parses and actual data. So what I am wondering is if anyone has anything substantial to show to help us marauders be the best that we can be.


People are free to post their opinions but without parses or something to support their claims it's just an opinion.


From what I HAVE SEEN rage has better numbers in warzones but isn't necessarily viable in PVE besides basic questing.


Carnage is believed to be the best single target burst for both PVE and PvP (although I haven't geared my marauder for PvP yet) so that remains to be validated.


There are some people that are claiming Annihilation is best for PVE single target boss fights due to the bleeds, and are even saying that this is viable in warzones as well.


So basically all opinions are welcome but what I'm looking for are complete and comprehensive responses supported by actual data.


Thank you :D

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Rage is good for solo questing yes.

In ops it can be good IF its a boss with loads of ads and you are in a meelee heavy grp with no say.. snipers/sorcs otherwise you are better going single target specs. For single target dmg the other 2 specs pull ahead.

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What I have found so far is that a power heavy build works best, but I am also using strength augments at the moment. I am currently using carnage as my spec, but until i have full 69 (pve) or full partisan (pvp) my parses will mean next to nothing. Even then I would still need to swap out enhancements and stuff to test out crit heavy vs power heavy and so on.


What I am looking for is someone who has already done this to share the information since it seems like since 2.0 hit there is no useful guide anywhere as to what is best to do. i play multiple classes and it'll take forever to gear out all of them and test out builds/rotations/stats on each character for each thing.


So essentially yes. I am asking the community to help me out and save me some valuable time (as well as other people I am sure) and share what they have found so far.

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You might want to look in the sentinel section - mirror terminology:

Carnage - Combat

Rage - Focus

Force Scream - Blade Storm

Ravage - Master Strike

Annihilate - Blade Rush

Force Charge - Force Leap

Vicious Throw - Dispatch

Assault - Strike

Dual Saber Throw - Twin Saber Throw

Battering Assault - Zealous Strke

Gore - Precision Slash

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