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Just Another Night


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This is my first true attempt at a fan fiction here. I love my guild Novi Ordins, it's characters, and Begeren Colony. This particular story is between my Scoundrel, Jedi Guardian, and various other members of the guild. Any name mentioned (besides my own characters )'are changed.


While I would love to go in detail with Nye's back story, the Terms and Comditions of this forum ring clear in my mind and I, sadly, can not truly describe her sorrowful time as a special type of slave on the freighter, and time selling her body.


While Nye is 24 in the story, remember that she has suffered many problems, and has a form of PTSD. She thinks more like a 14 year old, and often has trouble expressing herself.






Courtnei sat down next to Nyterith, the young girl she had known forever. She couldn't tell what she was dreaming, but she knew what her story was.


Nyterith was young, in her early 20's. She was awkward, jumpy, always nervous, and no matter what she did-- had an annoying, constant stutter that always bothered her. She had been born on a small freighter, born into life as an indentured servant. Her owner was cruel and degrading-- always making her do awful things. When she was 13, though, a Jedi known as Illiuth-moruin saved her, freeing her from her slavery. Se lived with the Jedi until she was 18and forced to move out. She lived in a small Coruscant apartment for a while, but life was rough, and she did the only job she had learned on the freighter: selling her body.


She did this for three years before a ship captain picked her up. She always found it funny how she wound back up on a ship. She travelled the galaxy for a year before reuniting with the Jedi who had saved her life. Now leading Novi Ordinis, a small alliance of Grey Jedi, renegade soldiers, and smugglers, the Ex-Jedi was different; not just in namesake (now going by Courtnei) but also in personality. Much like the girl, who had been abused for her body, Courtnei was left scarred-- though for different reasons. She had lost two people very close to her in a short period of time. Re-united, they worked together.


Nye shook in her bed, the thin bed sheet doing little to warm her small, fragile frame. Her whole body was wracked with spasms. Courtnei couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. Her intention to save her only caused more sorrow and pain to the girl. Courtnei waited for the fit to end before softly shaking the girl awake.


"M-mom, w-where are you?" Nye whimpered, still caught halfway in the dreamworld.


The ex-Jedi cradled the young woman. While not much older than Nye physically, Courtnei was constantly reminded that the Nye was mentally younger-- not by disability, per Se, but the simple fact that she was hurt, would always hurt, and was scarred beyond imagination.


"Shh, Shh, it's okay, Nye..." The woman said, holding the redhead close.


"Oh, oh no, Courtnei! D-did I wake you up a-again?" She asked, a deep frown on her face.


"No, no, no, Nye. You're fine. I just wanted to tell you we've landed on Dantooine."


Nye nodded, getting up to put on her clothes. They had arrived for the meeting.



MORE TO COME! Please leave feedback!

Edited by jedimasterjac
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All names used represent members in my guild but are not their names. Understanding the Terms of Service, represented by BioWare and EA, I can not use their in-game names. Any events taking place on planets inside the game do not correlate to the story of said planet, any class stories, etc. they are based solely on our RPs, my characters, and my guildmate's characters. Any references to planets, people, and organizations that exist with in the game are those that belong to their respective owners; BioWare, EA, Lucas Arts, Lucas Films, and other trademarked items.



Chapter 1: The Rendezvous


The two exited the ship. Nyterith was at Courtnei's side, as always, nearly glued to her hip. They were barely outside the spaceport in the small capitol city on Dantooine before Courtnei was joined by Hanneth, one of her closest friends-- and a bit more, though those nights they had shared were scarce and far between, Courtnei and Hanneth had a close connection, and often worked together. He was a good fighter and strategist, and Courtnei was a good friend, leader, and ally, keeping the war machine human.


"Ah, Court. 'S been a while since I seen ya, gal." Hanneth said, his backwoods accent strong as ever. He had his helmet off, something which was odd.


"Nice to see you too, big guy," Courtnei replied. She smiled softly, glad the soldier was joining her on their meeting. "Got any extra intel on this Sith?"


"Ah, not much." He then looked to the girl. "Why ya bring'n her with ya? She a fighter?"


Courtnei shook her head. "She's smarter than she looks. And good with more than a few healing devices. Figured she could help."


"Ah, well, ay di'n't mean nuthin' by it. Was just wonderin' aloud. Now, 'bout that Sith. There ain't much information on 'im, and, honestly, that's the scary part. Far as ay can tell, we shouldn't be workin' with 'im."


Courtnei nodded her head in agreement. "I have to agree, but Joun said we should. And, if Joun's right, Kalmic could be a useful ally."


Hanneth nodded, slinging his assault rifle off his back and holding it in his hands. Courtnei kept her hand near her old master's lightsaber, and Nye held her blaster pistol loosely in her hand, not expecting to use it much. They headed from the spaceport and took a quick walk through the city, until they came to the Sith's base. He had made his home in one of the settlements that had been used by the pioneers a few hundred years ago. Luckily for this one, many droids ran automated and continued to repair the base. While still obviously old, it was usable, and offered good protection.


A few Sith guards wearing Kalmic's trademark purple-and-gold patrolled the halls, but payed little attention to the trio. For them to even be inside, they were obviously allies. Their trip to the Sith's inner sanctum passed uneventfully, and they were soon in front of the door.


"W-wait. Courtnei, this isn't s-safe. I... it's not right." Nye said.


Courtnei paused, sensing a disturbance in the Force as well. "You're right." She reached for her lightsaber, as an explosion blew open the door in front of them. As the smoke cleared, they saw it.


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